Math TBA's

<p>Does anyone have any insight as to when the Math TBA’s will be changed to real profs?</p>

<p>I think someone said mid-July.</p>

<p>I think it was mid-July last year.</p>

<p>Still no prof’s posted. Is this unusual? Do they hold the names back on purpose to prevent movement?</p>

<p>When I’ve asked math instructors what courses they’ll be teaching the next semester, few have any idea of what their teaching assignments will be unless they are the only person who ever teaches a certain course. I could definitely see the department withholding instructor names to prevent movement, but that would be reflecting more on the department than the students. Officially, the reason is that the math department doesn’t know how many students will be taking math courses in an upcoming semester and thus doesn’t assign instructors until the last minute.</p>

<p>I’m still confused however as to why the math department doesn’t do what the business school does and assign professors for most sessions and then leave a couple of the overflow sessions TBA (PhD candidates usually teach these sections).</p>

<p>Son just had a professor change in one of his engineering classes. Still waiting on the math TBA to make any changes. He may just be stuck with what he gets, though, as all the other sections are closed with waiting lists. Confused as to how he’ll be able to change sections, since he would have to drop a course to change sections, but then the desired section will probably be closed. So, is he just stuck? </p>

<p>As for math, he’s in one time slot, which works best for his schedule, but there are two other sections in the same time slot. If a more preferrable teacher gets assigned to the same time slot, but a different section than what he’s registered for, would he legitimately be able to get in the other professor’s section? Son is too much of a gentleman to say, Can I be in your class because the guy they put to teach me stinks? (Figuratively, of course. I’m a Southern lady, so that’s the most delicate way I will put it.)</p>

<p>*Confused as to how he’ll be able to change sections, since he would have to drop a course to change sections, but then the desired section will probably be closed. So, is he just stuck?</p>

<p>As for math, he’s in one time slot, which works best for his schedule, but there are two other sections in the same time slot. If a more preferrable teacher gets assigned to the same time slot, but a different section than what he’s registered for, would he legitimately be able to get in the other professor’s section? *</p>

<p>Only if that more desirable prof has an open seat. He could ask for an over-ride, but if the class has permanent seats or is at the fire code limits, then no more can be added.</p>

<p>It makes sense with all the BB still going on that they don’t know how many math classes are needed.</p>