
<p>I want to transfer to the University of Virginia as a sophomore into their college of arts and sciences to pursue an international affairs major. Having said that, my question is since my major doesn't really require high math can I take statistics or another math to satisfy the general studies requirement. Or will taking calculus instead of statistics help my chances of being admitted to UVA.</p>

<p>IF you intend to take the main statistics course at UVa, it lists one semester of calc as a prerequisite. If you take stats at your current college, I’m guessing it won’t matter that you haven’t taken calc for an international affairs major, unless you want to also take higher level economics classes.</p>

<p>You don’t need to take any math at UVa. You can take 2 separate sciences (chem and physics, chem and bio, astronomy and bio, etc). You can also take the non-calc statistics. You need 12 credits of science/math total. If you do take stat or math, you still need a science to satisfy the two department rule.</p>