MAX 20 colleges allowed?

<p>I was trying to add a 21st college to my common app colleges' list, but it said I 'd reached the limit on my list. I can't even add any by creating application versions (tried it already).
So is 20 the upper limit? and why?! :|
(I wont necessarily apply to so many, but looking at the apps I might decide where I want or don't want to apply to!)</p>

<p>Make a new account…? :/</p>

<p>^ that’s disgusting. What a waste of valuable time and money.</p>

<p>O___o if you apply to more than 20… that’s insane. if you just want to look at them, just remove one and add another temporarily</p>

<p>yeah I need to figure out how to apply to more than 20 also. And don’t just say its stupid, because I need to so I can compare scholarships. My guidance counselor and parents understand the situation. I just really need help figuring out how to exceed the 20 max! Please help!</p>

<p>^ good lord, if you’re worried about paying for college (e.g. looking for scholarships), why on earth would you spend over $1000 on app fees? That’s so counter-intuitive, it’s not even funny. If you can’t figure out how to logically spend and save money now, god help you in a few years…</p>

<p>nah nah nah dude, I have fee waivers for around 8 colleges, so that’s why.
And I don’t want to fill out another common app ALL over again!
Any others?</p>

<p>Paper app for some?</p>

<p>Is it better to spend a thousand dollars now trying to figure out which college is giving you the most money, or end up spending thousands of dollars more over four years?</p>

<p>It’s not as black and white as you may think</p>

<p>not paper :frowning: I have everything online, it wont even cost me for the mailing stuff (expensive international DHL) :slight_smile: , i just need extra spots for colleges hehe</p>

<p>Bump. .</p>

<p>“I don’t want to fill out another common app ALL over again!”</p>

<p>if you’re gonna apply to so many, you should put in the necessary effort. it will take less than half an hour to copy+paste the info.</p>

<p>Oh dude, I’m not lazy. It’s just that all my teacher recs n counselor forms are also done online, so it’s gonna be one big process just for 1 college.
I think I’ll let it be</p>

<p>knock off some schools and then add the one you wanted. more than 20 is just plain unnecessary and time-consuming.</p>

<p>Eliminate some colleges…</p>

<p>But, Jesus! 20 colleges ??? I have 7 and cant afford it…</p>

<p>I’m getting waivers for most of them, and everything is online! And I’m not going to be applying to all in the end but I’ll fill all of them out like i already mentioned above.</p>