Hello everyone!
I’ve taken the SAT test today morning, and I really would like to know what was the experimental (unscored) section. I had 3 writing sections, two of which were 35 questions each (section 3 and section 6). I’ve done great on section 3 but not so good on section 6. I heard that section 6 was the experimental and I would like to hear from you guys how I can decide whether section 3 or 6 was the experimental. I’m pretty good at writing sections but today’s writing section 6 was a lot weird (difficult), so I hope it’s gonna be the experimental one.
So, how can I decide which section is the experimental? And does anybody know which one was It on May’s 2?
This is just conjecture based on my experiences with experimental sections, but you can always tell which are experimental. Generally the math is more applied/real-world, the reading is kind of bizarre and hard, and I have heard that the experimental writing is similar to ACT writing. I have only anecdotal evidence for all of this, but I would suggest that you go with your gut if you have had more than a few practice SAT tests, as the non-experimental sections are all pretty similar across tests.
People had different experimental sections. I had a math (the one with a remove the cube and a knitting question) whereas other people had a CR or Writing. During the test, I had a feeling that I had a math experimental, only because I had 2 math sections that were consecutive (that pattern wasnt consistent in the practice tests I did.)
The writing section experimental was most likely 3 as one of my friends had a math experimental for section 3. Also he had the exact same section 6 writing so 3 had to be experimental
i had a math experimental with questions about haybalers…
@whereami10, So section 6 was the scored section? Also could you please ask your friend If he had like 5 no errors questions in that section?
@Zeyad187 Yes section 6 was most likely the scored section. All my friends had the questions in section 6 and only one had section 3 questions so it has to be 6. We had 4 no errors.
Was it exorbitant or exhaustive?
Was it section 3 or 4 math experimental,the first was essay,2 critical reading,and 3 or 4 math experimental>
@whereami10, No I just felt I’m answering wrong when I found like 4/5 No error questions. But, there’s no way to be certain which section is the unscored? You still say “Most likely”.
Also the people who had an experimental mathematics section couldn’t have the two writing sections we got. They get only one of them, and the 14 questions section (section 10). The only way to know which was the experimental section is to ask a test taker who had experimental MATH section, what questions he found on the writing section he got. Then, If he tells you a question that was In section 3, It will be the scored section, otherwise It will be section 6.
@babachicken do you remember in math experimental there were 2 consecutive math sections 3 and 4 or 2 and 3? 
@Zeyad187 Yes, that is exactly what I did. I found somebody with a math experimental section and then confirmed he had section 6 questions. The exp section was sec 3… Which of the two sections did you find easier?
i think i had 3 and 4 as both grid-ins… @flowerrrr
Actually, Section 3 was much easier than 6. I hope I’ve answered section 6’s questions correctly.