<p>I'm not sure what "Obasam passage" is at this point but there was the passage about the woman from the countryside, and the poem about indoors people/outdoors people which was hella difficult...</p>
<p>Did the author of the Shakespeare poem intend to pick up an entirely new vein of writing? He was fed up with rhyme...</p>
<p>Also, the fetters were rhyme, correct?</p>
<p>I believe that the passage was intended as an aside to the audience, not sure.</p>
<p>And I put that he was not honored by his contemporaries as was Shakespeare</p>
<p>Lastly, the two eras were Shakespeares and his own?</p>
<p>Regarding the Maine grass poem...the last pararaph primarily described her as either a representative of an elemental human experience..or a typical New England countrywoman?</p>
<p>For the Dee double name irony question I said it was ironic that she was rejecting the name of the woman who made the quilt. I wasn't sure if it was nice, but it is ironic, because she cares so much about preserving the quilt and keeping the tradition alive that was passed down through all the Dees, yet she doesn't respect the name Dee. I was stuck between that and the fact that she thinks her name can change her actions, which is probably true, but didn't really appear anywhere in the text and definitely didn't seem like "the central irony".</p>
<p>The last answer on the test was that his love is more genuine.</p>
<p>Soo maybe this will make remembering stuff easier:</p>
<p>Love poem--guy doesn't show his sorrow because his love is too deep</p>
<p>Sleep poem--guy loves sleep </p>
<p>Shakespeare poem--guy is tired of writing plays or something</p>
<p>Quilt passage--Dee really wants quilts</p>
<p>Obasam passage-people in attic and find their grandfather's or someone's ID card and think about time</p>
<p>Indoor/outdoor passage--indoor people are more sensitive, which is a good thing</p>
<p>Woman in countryside--woman brings friend to special place, talks about a guy she loved who died.</p>
<p>its not obasam..its OBASAN!!!!! I think it was about the past issues of the japanese-american internment camps...obasan= japanese word for grandma. hahaha i hate how people keep saying it was OBASAM...LOL.</p>
<p>Can we get a compilation going?</p>
<p>I said new vein of writing. Fetters were rhyme. I also wasn't sure about the "what situation might this passage fit" question, I think I said a playwright convincing another to stop writing, or something, but it was probably wrong and none of them made sense to me. I said that he was better than all of his contemporaries, but not as good as shakespeare, who he calls "greater", I think. And I said that the two eras were shakespeare's and his own. </p>
<p>For the Maine grass question, I said it was a unique pessimism, because it said "rarely do you see somebody this deeply pained and depressed happily walking around sweet-smelling flowers" or something, from which I drew, she is sad in an unusual way. But that was another one I was unsure of; I chose between it and an elemental human experience.</p>
<p>I said that Maggie was self-denying because before she conceded that Dee could have the quilts, there was that whole bit about "with the attitude of anyone who never has anything reserved for her." </p>
<p>Also, the answer to the sonnet question was most DEFINITELY rhyming couplet. I put the "dumb duck, chattering pie" answer even though it ultimately didn't seem in line with the poem because the rest of the answers appeared totally irrelevant to me.</p>
<p>I also answered that Mama wanted Maggie to have the quilts because she thought she would use them better, evidenced by "as if all you could do with quilts is hang them" and "good! they should be used" as far as Maggie putting them onto beds.</p>
<p>Also said ambivalence...</p>
<p>I said melancholy... said narcotic about the poppy... tan and calloused in the last sentence... I said I, II and III for the "spiders are indelicate question," but that I knew was against my better judgment so I'll deal if I got it wrong. </p>
<p>About narcotic: Alll of my friends were like "no no, that answer choice was too literal!" But in this case I think it was supposed to be taken literally, because poppy as a narcotic LITERALLY puts people to sleep... but as a poison, doesn't it also? I had Wizard of Oz flashbacks for this question.</p>
<p>In the sleep passage, was light in contrast with the speaker's desire? </p>
<p>For the Dee question you mentioned, rhyn0, the answer was that she was rejecting the name of her grandmother or something like that I THINK... and yeah for the last question on the test I said what you said about the speaker feeling that his love is more genuine...</p>
<p>For the question about "scurf," I just laughed for a minute because I was like WHAT THE HELL? But then I chose "calloused" which I think is correct. Also, there was no contrast between communicativeness : uncommunicativeness, right? And... uh... I think for me the hardest question on the whole test was the one that was something like this:
The speaker feels that the "white hand" is that which is...
<p>Misguided? Does that make any sense at all?</p>
<p>Urgh, I'm scared! When do grades come out? :(</p>
<p>Lol sorry Olay, I'm not cultured like that, and that was the one passage I really rushed through.</p>
<p>Here is what I am very sure about:</p>
<p>Dee was self-centered</p>
<p>Maggie was self-denial</p>
<p>Ironic because rejected name of person who made quilt</p>
<p>Ambivalence towards name</p>
<p>Increasingly angrier and story progresses</p>
<p>Doesn't speculate as to why she wants</p>
<p>Maggie will put them to good use</p>
<p>Not sure about any that I can think of</p>
<p>Light was antithetical to what he wanted</p>
<p>Personification and apostrophe</p>
<p>Most lulling</p>
<p>Soothing person of midnight</p>
<p>Critical Self-Examination</p>
<p>Light invited worldy woes</p>
<p>Poppy was a narcotic</p>
<p>More to come....</p>
<p>Yes I put misguided as well.</p>
<p>Also, does "tan and callused" make sense for what he talked about in a positive light?</p>
<p>Yeah I said sleep was in contrast with his desire, and I thought that mad good sense. </p>
<p>Didn't really get the scurf question...</p>
<p>And for the white hand question I think I put misguided, but I also think it might have been asking something completely different lol.</p>
<p>I agree with everything else you said.</p>
<p>I found the poem!!!! Prologue to Aureng-Zebe!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Good, consensus makes my heart lift out of the pit of my stomach a little bit (what literary device is THAT?!) </p>
<p>"Indoor/outdoor passage--indoor people are more sensitive, which is a good thing"</p>
<p>WHAT? I thought the whole point of the passage was that it's preferable to be outdoorsy... No?</p>
<p>DeadMonkey--"Critical Self-Examination" What other options were there for that question? I don't remember it.</p>
<p>However, I agree with everything else you said. </p>
<p>"I said new vein of writing. Fetters were rhyme. I also wasn't sure about the 'what situation might this passage fit' question, I think I said a playwright convincing another to stop writing, or something, but it was probably wrong and none of them made sense to me. I said that he was better than all of his contemporaries, but not as good as shakespeare, who he calls "greater", I think. And I said that the two eras were shakespeare's and his own. </p>
<p>For the Maine grass question, I said it was a unique pessimism, because it said "rarely do you see somebody this deeply pained and depressed happily walking around sweet-smelling flowers" or something, from which I drew, she is sad in an unusual way. But that was another one I was unsure of; I chose between it and an elemental human experience."</p>
<p>I also said new vein of writing and fetters. I said an actor before the show because it refers to the author in third-person. I agree with you about the other two questions on this passage. </p>
<p>I didn't say unique pessimism although I don't remember what the other answer choices were, so I can't tell you what I did say. I did indeed choose elemental human experience.</p>
<p>The author sided more with being outdoorsy...</p>
<p>Oh, and yes, it was by an actor. I now realized the stupid mistake I made.</p>
<p>I also made that stupid mistake. </p>
<p>As for the indoor/outdoor passage, ouch. Apparently I did not understand it very well, luckily on the SATs 3/4 of the questions don't have very much to do with meaning :).</p>
<p>Do you folks know when we get grades back? ...I'll be biting my nails until then.</p>
<p>I was in a state at the test, because all of my friends told me "test starts at 8:30..." so, ingeniously, what time did I arrive? 8:30! Well, I had to wait until 9:30 (the next test session) to begin, and since everyone else had already bubbled in their information and all, I was still bubbling when our proctor started the time! I got so flustered that midway through the test I was considered canceling my scores... I think my hysteria was uncalled for, in retrospect, and I'm pleased with how this discussion is proceeding.</p>
<p>Bustles--Sounds like my worst pre-test nightmare!</p>
<p>Here is another question I have, about the passage with the actor and the playwriting and stuff: when the author says "what Verse can do, he has perform'd in this, Which he presumes the most correct of his", what is he most nearly saying? I answered that he had stayed within established literary guidelines, or something, because he talked about being sick of the orderlyness of rhyme. But I wasn't sure, because I might have misunderstood that entire passage.</p>
<p>omg the attic/living room one....is it past and present interdependent??
and obasan was ironic to a spider..something like that?
and what shows time passing? yellow id card and youthful face?</p>
<p>and i thought fetters were words.....but maggie was definitely diplomatic! </p>
<p>maybe it's just me, but i loved that passage about the man who couldn't express his love physically/emotionally. it seemed really beautiful and deep. the spider descriptions grossed me out though.</p>
<p>how many can you miss and still get 800?</p>
<p>and i put dove/bird for the guy who couldn't express his love. i was stupid and didn't read the rest of the answer choices though cuz i never saw anything about a lily.</p>