November 2008 SAT Subject Test: Literature

<p>I thought it was alright. Very confusing poetry to me. Discuss?</p>

<p>wow did no one take this test on CC…</p>

<p>The poem about the poets lady, holy crap that was confusing</p>

<p>omg…i agree!! esp the poetry on a woman having a kid or something like that? I thought she was speaking to her child, but then, i realized it was her husband actually after reading the questions and answers. -_-. cancel it or not? what makes a good reason to cancel a test, esp literature?</p>

<p>oh actually, I thought the one where the woman was talking to her husband was pretty straightforward.</p>

<p>I was talking about the poem where the writer is talking about women and women in the future…</p>

<p>i took it, and i had trouble with both of those poems. the one about the kid i changed all my answers at the end to relate them to the husband. And the one about the women in the future confused me some as well. i had a bunch of questions i narrowed down to 2 answers, but i think i picked the wrong one on most of them. What do u think the curve will be?</p>

<p>i thoguht all the poems were confusing :X. including the last one.</p>

<p>i’m on the same page as wildchartermage. i realized after sometime that she was tlaking to her husband not her child. and i just kept confusing myself from there=/</p>

<p>for the curve, i think it’ll be normal. i had some friends that thought it was pretty easy.</p>

<p>yeah i thought it was pretty easy too</p>

<p>dang it!!! i was really hoping for a generous curve. i probably shouldn’t have gone trick or treating last night. It made me sleepy during the test <em>Yawn</em>:)</p>

<p>I thought it was pretty difficult, I mean the passages themselves werent too bad but i just needed more time. I had to finish the last two passages in ten minutes :frowning: The hardest one for me was probably the last one, i had a hard time uncovering the speakers mood/attitude How many passages were their total? I can’t seem to remember.</p>

<p>how many passages were there? 6? I think I skipped one on accident</p>

<p>i thought there were usually 7 but then again, im not sure…but do remember one the passages was printed twice for our convenience</p>

<p>anyone get 1, 2, and 3 for the reason willy (or something) started dancing?</p>

<p>and another answer was 2, 3, 4 i think</p>

<p>i put 2 3 and 4 for my answer. 1 didnt make sense, but i wasn’t sure about 5. Anyone remember a question about “my dear remains”???</p>

<p>I think my dear remains refers to her children…</p>

<p>and for willy dancing, I thought it was only II.</p>

<p>I don’t remember there being four reasons for why willy was dancing. I thought it was just three reasons and they were all true.</p>

<p>my dear remains was her children… 85% sure, the word ‘literally’ through me off a bit.</p>

<p>The last poem about the dinner part sucked!!! anyone remember those Q’s?</p>

<p>i said 123 for willy as well. dont remember what i put for the 4 option one</p>

<p>the very first question - The author is saying what about adveristy? and i think it’s that adversity always accompanies joy?</p>

<p>i cant erally think of anything right nwo someone has to get my memeory started hah</p>

<p>-collisons stood for “e” which was how people’s actions effect innocent people
-the last passage narrator felt appreciation in the situation
-appearances had to do with everyone’s phsical wahtevers
-the mirror reflected the theme of appearacnes they were talking about
-the guy (charlie…?) that hurt himself cleaned up the mess and went back to his guests
-the last two lines in the beautiful woman poem or whatever reflected teh general themes of the passage
-the “i apprecaite air, too” had nothing to do with waht the woman was tlaking about (i think)
-the man felt self-sacrficing
-the woman was confident in her… something
-the author regarded teh man with amusement</p>

<p>grahams: agree with collisions, auathor regarding man with amusement, appearance was the physical w/e. </p>

<p>having a hard time remembering what i put for the other ones though…</p>

<p>what about the prose with the darkness and stuff…</p>

<p>wait, the guy cut himself? I thought he looked ethereal b/c he was pouring glass or something…</p>