May 2011 SAT CHEM

<p>greedisgood: You’d probably get an 800.
xx: I would guess a 780-790 but I don’t know.</p>

<p>I don’t know how to predict mine though…</p>

<p>Skipped 12 and got maybe 2 wrong</p>

<p>im srsly gonna work rly hard for the june test… need that 780-800!!!</p>

<p>@xxmeasurelovexx: 780
@GreedisGood: 800 if you got 4 wrong</p>

<p>Results out tomorrow!! Nervous lol, post your results everyone, hoping for 760.</p>

<p>^Sorry to disappoint, but results have been delayed until May 28.</p>

<p>^^^^^WAIT WHAT!!!****** COLLEGEBOARD IM GOING TO **** THEIR ***. I need to know my score so I know if I need to study for a retake. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH</p>

<p>^ They want to make sure that our weekends are completely ruined. After all, it is Collegeboard’s goal to make the lives of teenagers miserable.</p>

<p>scores are out!</p>

I really don’t know how to feel. On one hand I thought I had a shot at an 800, but on the other hand I did better than some of my friends who were in the low 700s. So I guess mixed feelings with this result. How did the rest of you do?</p>

<p>same boat as you 760.</p>

<p>760! Haha I thought I was going to do worse but now I kind of wish it was higher… :/</p>

<p>Hey, Do you guys know what the scale was for the May test?</p>

this is depressing. I was sure I made an 800 on that exam… I guess the TTCE portion screwed me over…
Ah well. I’m content.</p>

<p>I got an 800! Over the moon, even though I know the curve is generous.</p>

<p>740 hrmm… Should I retake a 740?</p>

<p>So psyched about my 800. I came out of it feeling great, but I still wasn’t expecting this</p>

<p>I am amazingly happy with my score.
From the Official Study Guide it said -3 was 800 or something, and that was it. I’m assuming it wasn’t the case then. . . ?</p>

<p>I took a practice where -6 was 800 for chem once…granted it was the PR, but I doubt the curve was -3, that seems a little harsh</p>

<p>I got atleast 1, possibly 4 wrong and had an 800, so the the curve must have been great.</p>

<p>800! :)</p>
