***May 2015 - Chemistry***

What was the sig figs question?

Yeah, 54.

20 x 2.5 = 50
50 + 4.127 = 54

It was either 50 or 54

What did you guys get for the positron proton question. It asked what was similar to 1H+ or something

what about the question with the enthalpy of formation. I remember I had it down to a positive or negative number in the 1000s

Hydrogen ion is commonly referred to as a proton.
It is well known that hydrogen is composed of a proton and an electron, so in its ionized state, it would simply be a single proton.

As a small question, a beta particle is similar to an electron, not a positron if I am correct?

yes @BasedBioGod , but what was the sig fig and the one with copper 4.187g and 20ml water?

does anyone remember the question with 3/2 O2 at STP?

Does anyone remember the last TTCE question (about isomers)?

on the one about the beta particle, was the answer electron? the quesiton was weird becuase there are two types of beta decay (+ and -)

That’s right

@satsuck 16.8

@ros12122 54, the answer has been posted several times ^^^


how about the CaCO3 question anyone?

@ros12122 This is a terrible joke -.-

@Frigidcold No, I mean what was the question about sig figs, not the answer? I don’t remember seeing a question that said sig figs

Question on one of the true and false.
Catalysts are not consumed; catalysts change reaction mechanism


^What I put

Titration of HCl and NaOH?