<p>Great, glad we cleared it up that every single person has different feelings toward the importance of being by a parent’s side when said parent is dying. Hospitals are the absolute worst. I would never want to leave my parent there, for any amount of time, and so I didn’t. Until my sister, or anyone, could help me in staying by his side, I was with him. I would have been no other place. I have said time and time again that I know that I made the choice. I think you realize that your theory on why I am wrong and you are right has been clearly defeated - as every single person in this world has different values, morals, and belief systems. </p>
<p>As far as bugging the professor. I find this to be kinda weird. How do you bug someone that you literally pay to teach you? -_- I have made As and Bs on all assignments, I have never turned in an assignment late, had never asked for an extension, nor have I ever done anything to make myself seem desperate, special, or unique. I did what the Dean of Students advised me to do. I did what I felt were the right things to do. Those things were to email, let the professors know what was going on, and then meet with each of them in person. At the meeting, I explained my situation in more detail, offered to do whatever necessary to stay in the class, and noted that I was well aware of the negative effects this would have on my grade - but that I was dedicated. My work in the class (all of them) has proven my dedication. I have not made less than a B on any assignment this semester - across all of my classes. After meeting with each professor, I emailed in advance to let them know if I were going to miss a class. Shortly thereafter, my sister came and everything was cleared up. How this is considered “bugging” a professor isn’t clear to me. However, as stated previously (multiple times…) I had ALREADY been in contact with the Chair. It wasn’t me “going above Dr. B’s head,” I had already expressed to the Chair that I had not facilitated strong relationships with any Women’s and Gender Studies professors due to my being a double major and taking mostly cross listed courses (courses that count toward both of my majors). She advised me to speak to Dr. B since I was in her course this semester. Whew. I do not know where people are getting the idea that Dr. B is somehow in the right of being peeved that I contacted the Chair - I had already contacted her PRIOR to talking to Dr. B. I think the Chair put me on hold to ask her why her students were told she was going to be out of the office when she actually wasn’t. Which is why I felt that she was ****ed off at me and thinks I tattled on her (in reality I said she didn’t have time to speak to me because of a personal emergency) and because this was a new process to me, I asked who else I should speak with. The Chair directed me to my advisor and I got everything straightened out on that end. I do not need Dr. B for anything as far as sponsoring my internship or advising my ind. study. </p>
<p>Moving forward - </p>
<p>People have constantly brought up overloading, an extra semester, a summer session, retaking the class, etc. I have addressed all of these in previous posts. However, since there has been useless posts of myself defending the choice of missing class to be by my father’s side, here goes: </p>
<p>This class is a pre req for a class I <em>have</em> to take next semester to graduate. I cannot retake it. It is not offered in the summer, neither is the Senior Seminar class that is also required of my major. Also, my financial aid does not cover summer school. As I have mentioned before, I am a single mother, on a limited income, and was not awarded maximum financial aid for my EFC as it is.</p>
<p>I <em>am</em> overloading next semester. I am taking 19 credit hours (as long as I pass this course). I cannot take over 20 credit hours. Only a senior is allowed to take 20 credit hours. Anything over is <em>NOT</em> an option. If I do not pass this class, I will have to take 22 credit hours and thus will not graduate. If I were able to take 22 hours, I would. I would do anything necessary (which I made clear to my advisor when I brought this to her attention, however; it is not possible). </p>
<p>Transfer students are not allowed to continue past the 4th semester. It is a UNC-CH policy. I have thoroughly explained in previous posts, if an explanation is necessary. </p>
<p>I have thoroughly considered all of my options, spoke with all outlets (fin. aid, advising, etc.) I am not an idiot. I have been in college for some time, however; had never had to deal with missing lectures → failing a course. Thus, why I am on this forum. Big mistake. You live and you learn. Have a good night.</p>