MBA Interview advice (again, but more urgent!)

<p>ok, so i posted a thread awhile ago about how much better face-to-face interviews are versus over the phone, and i was convinced that i needed to interview face-to-face - but now i have a question about timing. i live in dallas, and a certain school in boston asked me for an interview awhile ago - i’ve scheduled a trip for feb 19th and made sure i left time during my trip should other interviews pop up around boston. today i received an email from another boston school asking for an interview, but the only dates available were today through feb 6th. i called and asked about interviewing around the 19th and they said:</p>

<li> Earlier is much better because decisions are made as interviews are completed.</li>
<li> There really is no difference to them between a phone or face-to-face interview.</li>
<li> While they encourage me to interview sooner, more interview dates will be released in the coming days/weeks.</li>

<p>so now i’m not sure what i should do - i can try to schedule another trip sooner, but that’s hard because a) i’m a 5th grade teacher and already taking time to interview on 2 separate occasions in feb, and b) it’s getting relatively pricey for me to fly around so much. i could trust that a phone interview is just as good, but i’ve been told countless times that that isn’t the case, and i know i interview much better in person. or i could just wait and schedule the interview along with my other boston trip. </p>

<p>thoughts? advice?</p>

<p>Go to the interview at the school that you deem more desirable on your list. Then ask for either a phone or an alumni interview for the second one. A lot of people get acceptances from schools they’ve never visited before.</p>

<p>Agree. Interview via the phone or with an Alumnus in Dallas. However, it would be good if you could still visit with the school while you are in Boston (perhaps a tour or something of that sorts).</p>