<p>So I am about to finish up my undergrad in Health Policy & Administration with a minor in Economics. I used to be a science and did absolute crap and changed majors to Health Policy & Administration.</p>
<p>Although, not a cop out, but upon switching majors, I was dealing heavily with family issues such as the almost separation of my parents which was pretty dramatic. I'm not trying to use this an excuse but just putting it in there.</p>
<p>My overall GPA will be 2.0.</p>
<p>I am really graduate school for MHA or MPA or MBA. However, I know that my GPA is absolutely horrible. If I score REALLY well on my GREs/GMATs, what are my chances? What options should I be looking into? I do not want to give up the pursuit of graduate school. I also want to work a couple years before applying to graduate school to potentially show that my bad college days are over and am very serious in my life decisions. Am just looking for some guidance in the right direction.</p>