Mccombs External Transfer

<p>Hi, I just wanted to get some feedback on my chances as an external transfer into Mccombs for fall 09. By the end of this semester I will have 30 hrs and only 3/5 of the business track completed. My GPA will probably be 4.</p>

<p>Anyone else applying for transfer?</p>

<p>Your chances are probably not that high even with a 4.0. Have you taken the prerequisites needed for McCombs? I would also think that you need more than a 4.0, like extracurriculars and stuff. Give us more info.</p>

<p>So the business track completion is very important? I have good extracurriculars and community service, definitely above average. So even with a 4.0, no go?</p>

<p>Depends on what classes you took, what extracurriculars and community service. From what I’ve heard its really hard to get accepted externally no matter what your grade is.</p>

<p>Well the avg resident gpa transfer was 3.87 last year. 4.0 not enough? How important are essays</p>

<p>your chances of getting into mccombs is 7-12%. and here is how i got that number.</p>

<p>first of all McCombs only accepted 17% of its applicants last year and the average GPA was 3.87. it’s usually around that ballpark every year.</p>

<p>second, you only have 3 business indicator classes done. i know that you only need 3/5 if you have less than 60 hours but having all 5 would have greatly increased your chances. so if a person who has all 5 indicator classes done with a GPA of 3.85, then he would have a better chance than you. i’m not an expert at this but it seems like common sense that they would do that.</p>

<p>i am also applying to McCombs for this fall. I would have a 3.65 GPA with 52 hours. But I have all business indicator classes finished with an A grade.</p>

<p>I agree with topawala20. It is very important to have all business indicator courses done. A friend of mine had a 4.0 on 35 hours with 4 of the business indicators done and was thinking about applying to McComb’s as a transfer until he talked to a consoler. The consoler said that they would take a guy with a 3.8 with all indicators done rather than a guy with a 4.0 and only a few indicators. If you have some EC’s, community service, or really good essays, that could increase your chances greatly.</p>

<p>I know he may need to be consoled, but he probably talked to a counselor ;)</p>

<p>Well this sucks, how much do you think ecs can help? I thought UT was all about numbers, but I do have some great ecs.</p>

<p>UT is def one of those colleges who look at grades over EC’s but, if there is a recomended number of courses you need completed, there is no way around it. Its like me having a 4.0 on 40 credits trying to get into the engineering program with calculus as my only true course applying to my major completed. You need to prove that your skilled in the major in which your applying. Freshman are different as they don’t have indicator courses. (Maybe AP calc or econ) If your EC’s are good and you wrote some dang good essay’s along with a few letters of rec, I would bump you from a 15% chance to a 65% which is pretty good.</p>

<p>Ok, I talked to an admin counselor today and she said that I have a good chance, but I didn’t know BCIS 1305 was a requirment and that is one class I don’t have. U guys know of anyway I could get that between now and may?</p>

<p>Some CC colleges offer mini semesters. Usually they start early May to the end of May. Otherwise try to see if there are any late start classes that start after spring break until early May.</p>

<p>Alright, last question. I found a way I can take it at my CC in late may so I can send my transcript in by June 15. But I would still be missing Calc 2. Would my chances still be low? The lady I talked too said its required that people have all 5 who have 60+ hrs, but not sor someone like me. Im lost.</p>

<p>I was told that it was mostly GPA they use in deciding admissions. Essays are 2nd, ECs are 3rd. </p>

<p>TyZod no one can really tell you what your chances are, we can make guesses but that’s it.</p>

<p>I’m a freshman at W&L with what I plan to be around a 3.85-3.9 by the end of the year, with 30 hours of credit, and all of the business track pre-requisites completed. What do you think my chances are for external transfer into McCombs for fall of 2011? I am a Texas resident, as well.</p>

<p>Generally the GPA for external transfers is around 3.9. Also, I believe that leadership and essays are pretty important for external transfers.</p>