<p>I have just been accepted in Faculty of Arts at McGill from the waitlist. I had already enrolled at another college, King's College in London, for a BA in Comparative Literature with Film Studies, but now I am hesitating, knowing that McGill would be cheap for me (I am a French citizen although I went to an American HS) and also that it is ranked 15th in the world...</p>
<p>I love literature and creative writing (I want to become an author and have already written 2 novels), and I also have a passion for film/animation, and my goal in the future is to work at an animation studio such as Pixar as either screenwriter or storyboard artist.</p>
<p>I feel like the programs McGill offers are less adapted for me, but maybe I could be wrong. I wouldn't want to overlook anything, since McGill, as the "Harvard of Canada," is very attractive. Also, I plan on coming back the the US for graduate studies.
How is the literature department at mcgill? Does anyone have any advice for me?</p>
<p>Seems like your just after the ranking which is very misleading and you will most likely feel an idiot later on if thats all you based your choice on. Also I could be wrong but for your field does ranking even matter? I know it matters for stuff like business and law etc. KGL is a great uni and if the course seems better to you, go for it. The Harvard of Canada isnt really taken all that seriously by anyone, not even people who go to mcgill so there’s that too. </p>
<p>Its just the course vs money for you from what I see. If you can afford it go for KGL if you like the course better, thats all that can be said really.</p>
<p>Hahaa ok thanks for ur help! 
My parents can afford KCL but they really wanted me to look into McGill and see if there wouldn’t be a program I liked there because it would be a “better” school for a much, much low cost. Also Montreal is a safer city than London, less culturally different for me, and not as far away.
But I think I can convince them; they know it’s my choice to make anyway. And ur right, I guess the ranking doesn’t matter that much. I’m just so scared to make a mistake! :P</p>
<p>I want you to know that you can make a new program with some supervisor at McGill. So just try to look for the courses.</p>
<p>Rankings do matter in some respects. The problem is that people often tend to read too much into them, or infer conclusions that don’t really follow, instead of using them constructively. </p>
<p>McGill has a fairly strong English program, and a close friend who is an English major has told me that it is regarded (unsurprisingly) as one of Canada’s best. His biggest complaint is the somewhat lack of diversity in terms of course selection, which is a problem that is chronic to many (most?) arts departments at McGill. QS ranks it higher than KCL, though not by a significant margin.</p>
<p>[QS</a> World University Rankings - Topuniversities](<a href=“http://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2012/subject-rankings/arts-humanities/english]QS”>http://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2012/subject-rankings/arts-humanities/english)</p>
<p>A bigger concern is film. McGill barely has a film studies program, let alone anything that might help you in the technical side of things. I’m not familiar with KCL’s film program, but if you do come to McGill, you should consider trying to take a few courses at Concordia. McGill ceded its fine arts programs in the 60s to Concordia, so most anglophones pursuing those types of programs are there. You will be able to put credits completed in Concordia courses towards your McGill degree; contact an advisor or take a look through OASIS.</p>
<p>Lastly, have you been to London? =P I’m not so certain that it would really be “less culturally different,” since the UK is the most American place in Europe, London is the most American place in the UK, and Montreal is a world of its own. But both are great cities, and I don’t think you should fear living in either of them (although it certainly is true that Montreal is more convenient for travelling back and visiting family.)</p>