<p>Is this a good book to use? I picked it up recently because I used their PSAT prep book by the same authors and found it very useful (much more thorough and informative than Kaplan's, which was the only other one I had.) I haven't seen it mentioned on this forum at all, and a lot of you seem to favor Barron's. Any opinions/advice?</p>
<p>I used to think that Barron’s was the best, but once I tried out Mcgraw-Hill changed my mind. There are a few minor errors in the answer part (ie. They’d bold the wrong letter but in the explanation, the correct letter is shown), but everything else is great. I actually preferred the McGraw Hill over Barron’s, but I guess it depends on the person. My person opinion: McGraw > or sometimes = Barron’s > CollegeBoard blue book > Kaplan.</p>
<p>^ Thanks for the response. The concept explanations seem to me to be very well done and I remember finding the real PSAT very similar to the practice ones in their PSAT book. I just wanted to check with you guys because I’ve seen no mention of it here.</p>
<p>Anybody else have experience with this book?</p>
<p>i used it, i found its writing was very very good. the math was good and the cr was decent. ill find out about my score on february 12 but i am anticipating a 800 writing.</p>
<p>^ Hmmm, is there a better resource you’d recommend for CR? That’s by far my weakest section. My math is solid and my writing doesn’t need too much work, although I need to practice essays. Thanks for your help.</p>
<p>Also (sorry for double post), did those of you who used it find the practice tests similar to the real thing (as far as content and difficulty level). Would I be safer going with the official CB book for practice tests?</p>
<p>Practice tests aren’t that similar…I used the book and did not find it very helpful.</p>
<p>i did a few writing sections in that book… and found them very, very useless. i ended up using CB materials after all</p>
<p>nope, don’t think you should use McGraw-Hill… the questions are not even near the real ones, it’s more harm than good</p>
<p>Wow, lots of varied opinions on this book. Sounds like it’s probably safer to just go with the official CB materials.</p>
<p>The questions in a practice test I got were unrealistic in comparison to the actual SAT i took. Especially the early math ones.</p>
<p>I think it really depends on the person, but I found McGraw Hill to be more helpful in CR than the BB. Overall, I preferred it over the BB, but if you want a last-minute practice test, the BB would be the way to go. I don’t see the harm in trying it out unless your test is on the next test date.</p>
<p>Yep the mcgrawhill sat is pretty good due to the unequivocal elucidation !!! I found it harder in the math part whereas in Verbal part its much easier. But BB is definitely the best SAT prep book since its the official one.</p>