ME 103 and ME 101

<p>Does any one know how Kim is for ME 103 and how Klug is for ME 101? I am an EE major but I am taking ME as my breathe course and I want to know which one would be better to take this quarter. I am currently enrolled in ME 101 but its discussion conflicts with one fo my other class and I would most likely not be able to attend this discussion and I would rather take 103...</p>

<p>Also, if anyone is going to drop ME 103, PLEASE PLEASE PM me because I really need to get into this class and I've been checking everyday for the entire winter break for someone to drop, but no luck. So if someone is going to drop, please let me know so we can set up a time and I can add the class for sure. Thank you!</p>

<p>Kim is very good for MAE 103. He presents the material well … sort of in a charismatic style. He assigns problem sets and exams on the difficult side of the scale, but it is rewarding. MAE 101 is the easier course (someone asked what a unit vector was in the review), and MAE 103 is more challenging. Personally, I think you will learn more useful material in 103.</p>

<p>Good luck getting into 103. It will be difficult, because there are lots of transfer students taking it in the Fall and Winter. 100 is already a lot of people … I doubt the cap will increase …</p>