Media Studies major, rhetoric minor

<p>I was originally hoping to major in English or Journalism, but i've found my passion for Media Studies (specifically film/television). I also wanted to double major OR minor in rhetoric. I've found that English is not my calling; I like writing more than literature. I do plan on going to a graduate school once my graduate. I plan on getting a job in the media, industry, publishing company, business, etc. Would a rhetoric be a good minor? What are some "practical" majors or minors I can pair with Media Studies? Thanks.</p>

<p>A rhetoric major can mean different things at different schools—at some it refers to rhetoric & composition (writing); at others, it refers to oral communication (sometimes including mass communication). In general, rhetoric would be a good minor to pair with media studies.</p>

<p>What other majors/minors you could pair with media studies depends on your particular areas of interest within media studies and what majors/minors are available at the particular school you attend. Also, is the media studies major focused on production aspects or on criticism/history/social aspects?</p>

<p>Some possibilities: theatre, professional/technical writing, creative writing, graphic communication/design, business, public relations/advertising/marketing, political science (for political communication)/public affairs, journalism, and, certain aspects of computing/information science.</p>

<p>@zapfino, thanks for the quick response!</p>

<p>At my school, the rhetoric minor concentrates on mainly marketing aspect (writing on advertisements, as well as oral and written communication). I’m aiming for an emphases on film and television studies within the media major. From the classes i’ve taken, it’s both production and criticism/theoretical/social. </p>

<p>I’m just not sure if it’s worth getting another degree instead of simply getting a minor. I was also interested in minoring in International Business (since I would love to work/study of the media in different countries). Fortunately, my school has an ITS, technical writing, and creative minor, as well. I guess it’s really up to what I want to do in the end.</p>

<p>Thanks for the list of minors; it helps a lot!</p>