Memorizing Dictionary For SAT Works?

<p>As an international student taking SAT would be really hard .Actually I do know English really well somehow better than Persian so do you think if I wanna get 700 + or 800 on verbal section I should memorize English-Persian dictionary?</p>

<p>If you know English pretty well, I don’t really see the point in memorizing the English-Persian dictionary. If you want to know the words for the sentence completion questions, buy SAT-specific vocab books. (Buy Direct Hits, Vol. 1 & 2, in particular.) </p>

<p>Memorizing the dictionary would take up way too much time that you could be using to study more effectively, or not studying at all.</p>

<p>Lol go ahead memorize the dictionary for a silly standardized test.</p>

<p>Isn’t the Persian language Farsi?</p>

<p>@ Dreamer3 .yes the Persian language is Farsi.</p>

<p>There are plenty of vocab books out there that you can memorize. You only need to hit between 300 - 1000 words. Memorizing a dictionary would be shockingly inefficient.</p>

<p>I find Word Smart 1 and 2 by Princeton Review really helpful :]</p>