Meredith College Questions

We are starting to narrow down our college list and my daughter is really interested in Meredith College. We live in NC and love the Raleigh area.

How is financial/merit aid for Meredith? Any insight for the Honors Program? Or admissions selectivity in general? What’s the culture there?

Stats so far (she’s going to be Junior) are:
4.25 weighted GPA
Will take AP US History, has taken lots of honors classes
Will be taking many dual-enrollment classes at the local community-wants to get a lot of the gen. ed classes out of the way
Various academic honor societies
Active in the community, officer in a local service club Teen Board
Active in our Baptist church
Took the ACT one time, received a 22 overall (working on raising this score)
On the tennis team but does not want to play on the collegiate level

She thinks a women’s college would be fun and supportive and not catty and competitive. We are more conservative and not really politically active. She wants to join a Christian fellowship of some sort in college. She wants to study Nutrition and get her Masters in Nutrition and become a RD. Meredith offers all this.

We will also look at App State and Western Carolina since they offer the Nutrition major. Cost isn’t as much of a concern with these two schools.

Honestly, the sticker price of Meredith scares me but she wants to get at least 1 year out of the way by taking dual-enrollment classes in high school and entering college as a sophomore.


I know four Meredith young women. Two have had difficulty finding jobs post graduation so definitely look into career services. One is still there and LOVES it. It is definitely a sweet atmosphere. The girls are very close and supportive of each other. There are so many alumnae around here that I’m sure your daughter could connect with them.

Thank you so much for the insight!

@sunnydaze31 Our Niece went there, ended up also getting a Masters from Duke as well. Very Supportive community at the school and post graduation. Our first daughter went to film school so Meredith never came into the picture, but solely as a favor to our niece we took a trip out to Meredith for the day (we live about 90 miles away) to see the campus and just hang out together this past august (or oldest had reported back to film school yet)… and it actually was very surprising! OUr youngest loved it and decided to attend the open house in September If i recall, and she liked that as well. And it shot up to he top 4 (Catholic U, Tulane and PITT were the others)… like anything, your choice of major has a lot to do with finding employment, but as our youngest wants to be a psychologist she will just move on to grad school, so employment is kicked down the line for now.