We are starting to narrow down our college list and my daughter is really interested in Meredith College. We live in NC and love the Raleigh area.
How is financial/merit aid for Meredith? Any insight for the Honors Program? Or admissions selectivity in general? What’s the culture there?
Stats so far (she’s going to be Junior) are:
4.25 weighted GPA
Will take AP US History, has taken lots of honors classes
Will be taking many dual-enrollment classes at the local community-wants to get a lot of the gen. ed classes out of the way
Various academic honor societies
Active in the community, officer in a local service club Teen Board
Active in our Baptist church
Took the ACT one time, received a 22 overall (working on raising this score)
On the tennis team but does not want to play on the collegiate level
She thinks a women’s college would be fun and supportive and not catty and competitive. We are more conservative and not really politically active. She wants to join a Christian fellowship of some sort in college. She wants to study Nutrition and get her Masters in Nutrition and become a RD. Meredith offers all this.
We will also look at App State and Western Carolina since they offer the Nutrition major. Cost isn’t as much of a concern with these two schools.
Honestly, the sticker price of Meredith scares me but she wants to get at least 1 year out of the way by taking dual-enrollment classes in high school and entering college as a sophomore.