Merit Aid

<p>Does VT give out Merit Aid?
Son applied RD with 3.8 uw 4.2 w, 35 ACT Math, 33ACT Reading. We are OOS from NY.
Just wondering if he gets in will there be any merit aid to help off set the cost.</p>


<p>VT does give Merit Aid…mostly in the form of scholarships.</p>

<p>There is a grant for OOS Students called the Virginia Tech Grant. The Virginia Tech Grant was designed to help defray the higher out-of-state tuition and fees (says the FA website).</p>

<p>I know they have some of unlisted scholarships that they give out for freshman, like full-tuition scholarships, and the like, but I do not know if they are for both IS and OOS students, and how competitive they are. The financial aid office may be able to tell you.</p>

<p>Is financial need a factor inn the OOS Virginia Tech Grant Scholarship?</p>

<p>If you perform well, you should be able to receive at least supplemental department scholarships once you declare a major.</p>

<p>Don’t expect much in the way of merit aid coming in from HS.</p>

<p>From what I can tell, if you are a middle-income (no probable financial aid based on your family’s income), high-stat , out-of-state, prospective Engineering student, there is very little to no merit aid that you can expect to be awarded. </p>

<p>There are the Dean and Davenport engineering merit scholarships (Dean is a $5000 merit scholarship and Davenport is a merit scholarship that is equal to instate tuition - roughly $7300). Even if an out-of-state student were lucky enough to be awarded either one of these two highly competitive merit scholarships, they would still have large gaps left to pay as out-of-state tuition for this year is $20, 498 (this is just tuition, not room and board, books, etc…) and will probably go up next year due to continuing budget issues in the state (as is the same for most states). </p>

<p>Per an email from the Financial Aid office, the Virginia Academic Grant is awarded based on FINANCIAL NEED and not MERIT, therefore not much help to middle-income, high-stat students.</p>

<p>Also, after investigating the numerous “named” freshman scholarships, most of these seem to be for smaller amounts ($1000-$2000) which wouldn’t put much of a dent in the overall tuition bill. These named scholarships also seem to be designated for really specific recipients (awarded to students from specific Virginia counties, in specific majors, etc…) and are only guaranteed for the freshman year. Also, the recipients of these named scholarships (per the VT website) won’t be notified until sometime in June so you couldn’t count on these when trying to determine whether or not VT is affordable prior to having to commit by May 1st. </p>

<p>So…is the above correct or am I missing something? I know that Engineering students are eligible for departmental scholarships later on down the road, but are these for significant amounts?</p>

<p>Thanks for any help</p>

<p>My OOS son was admitted last year and offered a spot in one of the two honors dorms. We do not qualify for financial aid. He did receive two merit scholarships (one related to honors and one a university merit scholarship) which reduced the amount we would have paid to approximately what we would have paid at our own state flagship w/o merit aid. So there is merit aid, though not a lot (if any) full rides for OOS.</p>

<p>Just to add: we knew of the awards well before May 1.</p>