<p>I know Duke offers Merit Scholarships, but does anyone know how many and how much they cover? I got into Stanford SCEA but I've always liked Duke; if they offered me a nice scholarship I would have a difficult choice to make.</p>
<p>From what I’ve heard it’s around 40-50 scholarships a year, but they don’t really publicize the numbers and usually don’t set a had quota anyway. IIRC, all of the merit scholarships offered to new students (AB Duke, BN Duke, Robertson, etc) are full tuition scholarships.</p>
<p>someone else has to know at least something about this</p>
<p>As far as I know, all merit scholarships except for Robertson are just pulled out of the applicant pool…so I don’t know that there’s any way to apply.</p>
<p>There was a supplement for Robertson, but it was due December 1. You can still get pulled out of the applicant pool for Robertson, also … the supplement (which is quite lengthy) shows demonstrated interest, I guess…</p>
<p>I’m not sure that’s all correct … but it’s all I know</p>
<p>Merit scholarships are difficult to get.
You’ll be notified if you are a finalist for a scholarship by mid February.
It is more difficult to get a merit scholarship than to be accepted at HYPSM-so just because you got into Stanford doesn’t mean you are definitely going to get a merit scholarship from Duke. However, it shows that your chances are probably better than the average person who gets into Duke-
I know of people from Up Close who were accepted to HYP but didn’t get any notification about scholarship.</p>
<p>go to stanford</p>
<p>There are several small merit scholarship programs at Duke which are full ride – meaning that they include full tuition, room and board, and fees.</p>
<p>Some, such as the Robertson, also include funding for summer research/internship opportunities, travel to conferences during the academic year, etc.</p>
<p>Robertson Scholars Program: [Robertson</a> Scholars: Homepage](<a href=“http://robertsonscholars.org%5DRobertson”>http://robertsonscholars.org)
AB Duke: [A.B</a>. Duke | Memorial Scholarship Program](<a href=“http://www.abduke.org/]A.B”>http://www.abduke.org/)
BN Duke / Trinity: [Benjamin</a> N. Duke University Scholarship Program](<a href=“http://www.bnduke.org/]Benjamin”>http://www.bnduke.org/)
University Scholars Program: [University</a> Scholars Program](<a href=“http://www.duke.edu/web/usp/]University”>http://www.duke.edu/web/usp/)</p>
<p>More general info: [OUSF:</a> Office of Undergraduate Scholars and Fellows](<a href=“http://www.aas.duke.edu/ousf/programs/]OUSF:”>http://www.aas.duke.edu/ousf/programs/)</p>
<p>What is the procedure for choosing merit scholars after the notifications go out in mid February? Are the interviews also in February? What do they involve?</p>
<p>For Scholarships, they will usually have you do a phone interview some time in February or March to narrow down the pool. Then the people that get through that round will get flown down to Duke for a weekend of interviews at the end of March.</p>
<p>If you got into Stanford, chances are that you’ll at least be in consideration for a merit scholarship. Be aware, however, that AB Duke kids are truly the spectacular ones. They oftentimes must weigh the decision of accepting the BN Duke or attending a H/Y/P/S/M.</p>
<p>You can only get BN if you are a resident of North or South Carolina.
A.B Duke is by far the top dog of merit scholarships.</p>
<p>Duke offers a lot more merit based scholarships to North Carolina residents (18% of accepted students are NC residents), Duke’s financial aid program is also very good if you are going for some money there.</p>
<p>Is it widely seen that AB Duke is Near the top of merit scholarships? I’m from NC, so I know that people view it very highly. I’m sure things like Axline are higher, but is anything else higher in terms of merit scholarships? How about the WashU full tuition ones? Maybe this is a dumb question.</p>
<p>Maybe resurrecting an 8 month old thread is a bad thing. Let dead threads RIP</p>
<p>If you want to ask a question or questions, please start a new thread.</p>