Messed up grades what to do?

I am asking this for my friend Shou. He was a smart student but last year in his 11th grade 3 days before our exams began his best friend attempted suicide and was unstable for nearly 2 weeks,thus Shou was in a bad space if mind and messed up his grades. He still managed a 3.12 GPA about if 4.
Before that he did have good grades, he had 3.76 out of 4 in 10th grade. He has now recovered and has a perfect 4 GPA and is among the top 15% at school.
He has 1560 in SAT.
Plus he also does have a few school level prizes I think.
I just wanted to know if he could still get into top colleges. I just feel sorry for him.

Abot the Shou part in his name it’s not Shou for my name shougun. It’s Sho for Shourabh.


For privacy reasons, among other reasons, “asking for a friend” posts are not allowed. If Shou wants opinions, he should open an account to ask. Closing thread.