MET Program (EECS)—College of Engineering vs. Haas School of Business

Is there a difference between applying to EECS MET at UC Berkeley with the Hass option or the College of engineering option? Would this choice affect one being reconsidered for engineering admission? I assume it’s inconsequential, but is there some difference or advantage to one or the other?

Any help is appreciated!

The MET is a join program sponsored by the College of Engineering and Haas Business School and is open only to freshman applicants. It is very competitive to get admitted and I would guess that the program is a least as competitive to get into as the College of Engineering. If admitted, you have 7 tracks to choose from:

If you don’t get admitted to MET, you still would be considered for admission to CoE.

Not sure what you mean by Haas option or CoE option. There are 7 Engineering choices (CoE) and the 1 Business school choice (Haas).

Hello. Does getting an MET interview mean you’re accepted into CoE?

I would say it’s a fairly high likelihood.