Metro Rail

<p>How safe is the Metro Rail to ride to MIA or Miller Hospital or other places in Miami . Does UM students get any discount or they have monthly passes.. Is the stop just outside the Campus.</p>

<p>D has taken the Metro 3 times roundtrip to the Miami airport. At Christmas she got new luggage and took two bags. D’s roommate takes the Metro 2x per week to Miller. The stop is close to campus. </p>

<p>It is pretty safe but you probably shouldn’t ride it alone late at night. UM students do not get a discount unfortunately. And yes, the stop is right down the street </p>

<p>My S has taken the Metrorail many times over the past two years to go shadow doctors in Miami and for other reasons. Sometimes in morning, sometimes in afternoon. No issues. Don’t think he has taken it at night. </p>

<p>As a UM student, I’ve used the metro several times to go to downtown and other areas. It’s a safe option. The stop is right across the street from campus. </p>

<p>How far is the Med School from the Metrorail Stop of Civic Station… </p>