Mexican Help

<p>Can me being a first generation mexican in the US help me get into good UC's </p>

<p>GPA: 4.21
Rank: 11/380</p>

<p>Sophmore Year: Both semesters
Honors Chem-A
Honors Pre-Cal-A
Advance English-B
World History-A
Spanish 3-A</p>

<p>Junior year: Both semesters
AP Physics-A (3)
AP Calculus B/C-A(3)
AP Calculus A/B-A
Color and Design-A
AP English lang-B</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Gov- A
AP Biology-B
AP English lit-B
AP Spanish- In progress
Stats- in progress
Anatomy- in progress </p>

ACT: 28
SAT2: Math2(690) Physics(640) US History(640)</p>

<p>EC'S: Soccer 3 year( Varsity 1 year), baseball, Engineering club, vice-president of the AVID club, ELC, Capital focus( law program), Law bootcamp, Boys State, Math club, Upper bound student club, EAOP, Medical program UC Davis, veterinarian program UC Davis, Math competition, chess club, Honor society, CSI. </p>

<p>School Applying:
1. UC Berkeley
2. UC LA
3. UC Davis
4. UC Santa Cruz</p>


<p>Technically the UCs cannot consider ethnicity or race in admissions because of state law; however, the universities take into account various factors, including hardship, first-generation college attendance, low income, disadvantaged high school. Some of the campuses, including Santa Cruz, actually give points for various factors in addition to grades and test scores. These are explained on the UCSC website.</p>

<p>For all UCs the primary factor is GPA, and you are in good shape with that. Second is tests scores. Your SAT is low for UCLA and Berkeley and possibly for Davis. It might be ok for Santa Cruz. You should also check out UC Irvine. </p>

<p>Are you out of state? The UCs are trying to increase the percentage of oos students. On some campuses it’s very low (4 or 5 percent). But they are doing this in part for the additional tutition paid by oos students.</p>

<p>Yes im in state, and i got into ELC. I also toke the SAT again and got a way better score. 1840 so what are my chances now?</p>

<p>if you are elc, haven’t you received your guaranteed admission letters?</p>

<p>When my S was applying to colleges, he received a lot of mail from Santa Clara University. It is a smaller, Catholic (Jesuit tradition) school near Stanford ,Santa Clara, California-beautiful campus. Approximately 4800 undergraduates, 1300 graduate students. Small classes. Your scores fall within their range and they might offer a totally different experience that a large public University. They do award some merit money-13% Hispanic. Might be another option… Good luck with your applications!</p>

<p>Bernie, chances are guesses based on ranges. If you go to this website, you will be able to see admission profiles for all UCs (click on freshman admission profiles and if you take it to the individual campus level you will get a chart with the SAT and GPA ranges):</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - Freshman](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Also on this site is a link for “how applications are reviewed,” and you can get info for each campus.</p>

<p>ELC guarantees you admission to a UC campus, but not a particular campus. More on ELC here:</p>

<p>[University</a> of California - Local path](<a href=“]University”></p>