<p>Does anyone know how the Sat Math Subject Test With TI 83-84 Family by Meylani is for Level 2 for the calculator techniques? Is there a difference between this and Sat II math with TI by Meylani for the calculator techniques?</p>
<p>I have both books. The TI 83-84 has 10 practice tests and a chapter on TI 89 in addition to the SAT II math w/ TI, except that the books are same. Practice tests are good though.</p>
<p>are the meylani books any good?</p>
<p>i used
complete prep (meylani)
15 tests (meylani)
TI 83-84 (meylani)
all of the above are very good, meylani are more comprehensive
I got a 800 on the first try</p>