Rush Meylani Ti 83-84 Family book

<p>what is the best way to utilise this book for Math IIc? if you have finished PR review, should you first try tests from the Barrons book before you even go near Meylani? </p>

<p>has anyone used this particular Meylani book? please any help will be sincerely appreciated.</p>

<p></a> Sat* Math Subject Test With TI 83-84 Family: With 10 Fully Solved Sample Tests for Level 1 & Level 2 (RUSH Publications) (REA Test Preps): Rusen Meylani: Books</p>

<p>definitely, aim for a 700 on barron's and you will have a solid chance of getting a 800 on the real thing.</p>

<p>have you used Meylani's book for Ti Calcs in particular?</p>

<p>which Barrons book did you use:</p>

<p></a> How to Prepare for the SAT II Math Level II C: Howard Dodge, Richard Ku: Books</p>


<p></a> Barron's SAT Subject Test Math Level 2 2008 with CD-ROM (Barron's): Richard Ku M.A., Howard P. Dodge: Books</p>

<p>i have the latter.
i have never taken a practice test from Meylani, but my senior friends told me it is a test comprised of "hard" questions that show up in the real test. so it's worth checking out.</p>

<p>thanks. how did you use the Barrons? did you use PR? </p>

<p>so practicing from Meylani would be getting you ready for all the hard questions on the real test as these would be similar to the last 10-15 questions on the actual test.</p>