Miami of Ohio Early Admissions Fall 2022

My OOS son also received $25k merit with 5.01 WGPA, 1580 SAT, also Eagle Scout, great ECs, AP Scholar with Distinction, National Merit Semifinalist, etc. I was expecting closer to the max $34k also.


This thread is so interesting. I looked at the activity of someone who commented their son receiving 34k, and he only had a 1500 SAT. Took 16 APs (thatā€™s crazy I will admitā€¦my school only offers 7!) and had average extracurriculars, nothing out of the ordinary.

I feel like your son should have received AT LEAST 30k a year. I thought I got ripped off having a 4.47 W and 3.98 UW along with a 1460 getting only 22k, but a 1580 vs 1460 only warranting 3k per year difference? Definitely not fair to your son.

I wish I could see how they evaluate all of this haha.

Daughter was accepted OOS with $25,000 merit. Exciting! 4.3 wgpa, 3.92uw, 1480 SAT, lots of strong extracurriculars and part time job

Iā€™m wondering if more merit is coming later for some of these kids with incredibly strong stats, like yours.


This is our 4th and thankfully last time through this processā€¦ itā€™s most definitely all a mystery how these decisions get made! My oldest ended up with a very rare full tuition merit scholarship at a top 20 school but also didnā€™t get the maximum merit from Miami when she appliedā€¦ both my wife and I graduated from Miami, so maybe thatā€™s being held against our kids! LOL!


we loved miami of ohio; but with 4 kids, we were merit hunting 2 yrs ago, and they didnt show ā€œthe loveā€ as much as some other schools. I get it; we are from out of state!

hereā€™s a thread that might be interest; i think starting dec 2019 scholarships start showing in the thread; itā€™s interesting reading through the responses. I donā€™t remember what tuition was 2 years ago honestly; but if Iā€™m right it was 36K?


Wowā€¦so this is what this thread is for? Only a 1500? average? I try very hard to wish others well and congratulate every acceptance.

As the parent whose son youā€™re talking about, I donā€™t disagree that a few other posters struck me as also very deserving of more aid. However, as the same parent who in my previous post on another thread listed his stats and very PARTIAL ECs, and have seen the amount of volunteering, community service, and leadership over the last few years Iā€™m absolutely stunned that you would take a shot at a HS kid for the amount of merit he receivedā€¦I wasnā€™t aware that I am obligated to support his full application here in order for others not to question how deserving he is of his merit aid.

Wowā€¦just wowā€¦


Regardless of our frustrations with respect to understanding admission and merit aid decisions, it does not behoove us to take potshots at other kids. The admissions committee sees the entire application, we see a snippet in stats.


Son was accepted. 17k OOS. 3.8 UW, 1310 SATā€™s. About what we expected.


1500 is amazing! Congratulations to your son!! He is very deserving of all his merit aid.

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OOS admitted to Nursing. 4.4 weighted, 4.0 unweighted, 33 ACT (34 SS), 5 APs $22K. Anyone know if they will increase merit before May 1? Or Miami doesnā€™t increase like some schools do? Was really hoping it was a bit higher, but grateful nevertheless.


Miami most likely will not increase merit, however if your son/daughter applied for Honors, they should get a little more in the spring.

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I am a high-schooler and Iā€™m not saying he is undeserving of anythingā€¦I said ā€œonlyā€ because a 1500 versus the other posterā€™s sonā€™s score (1580) is a bigger difference (1580 is literally almost perfect) yet warranted a 9k yearly aid difference (1500 scorer received 25k).

I only have a 1460 SAT lol; my score is terrible compared to what your son has. Iā€™m no genius whatsoever. Iā€™m sorry you interpreted that as a negative responseā€¦it was not my intention. And yes, you listed only partial ecs, I definitely took it out of context. Compared to the rest of the population, his extracurriculars are certainly not ā€œaverage,ā€ I was merely referring to the typical T20 kids on this site. Which letā€™s be honestā€“ā€“most of us here are not winners of ISEF or anything like that. His extracurriculars werenā€™t out of the ordinary. Just your typical well-rounded student (not that there is anything wrong with that!)

If you choose to interpret it in a demeaning way, feel free to, but that was not my intention and I apologize. Iā€™m a blunt person and Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m nowhere near a perfect applicant. I was just comparing people and thought the way they awarded money was a bit strange. And maybe I shouldnā€™t compare people because itā€™s like apples to oranges.

Agreed. Our experience last time around was our daughter got another $2k/year as part of honors program, but nothing else. Thereā€™s also the Presidential Fellows Program, but the odds of that are probably similar to admission to a top Ivy.

We were surprised last evening to learn that my son received his acceptance with $34k merit. He has a 5.0 WGPA/3.93UWGPA, otherwise almost indentical to your son; OOS, varsity athlete, job, lots of volunteeringā€¦Weā€™ve been thru this with several other kids and honestly have given up trying to figure out what specifically they look at to make their decisions. Miami U had not been in his ā€œtop 3ā€ list prior to this news, but has definitely bumped up to be a strong contender. Hard to walk away from $136k.

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While I donā€™t know anything about what MiamiUā€™s formula for merit scholarships is, I thought it was interesting to point out. Based on this chart, someone who has 4.3 GPA oos might get $15K, while my D22 who has 4.28GPA was awarded $23K (Which we are so grateful for). Other scenario can be someone with 3.9GPA was awarded $10K yet someone with 3.94GPA can be awarded $18K. Interesting.


Correction 3.9GPA ā€”> 3.95

Unless they post the recalculated GPA, it might not be able to check if it is the same GPA calculation.

Yeah itā€™s very interesting how they do itā€¦(which is why I commented above about the difference between a 1500 and 1580 which led to people getting mad at me). I think test scores are weighed in there but Iā€™m not sure the extent. Did your daughter submit test scores? I submitted my 1460 OOS with almost a 4.5 GPA and I received 22k yearly. I saw someone in this thread who had a lower GPA than me and they went test optional and received 25k. I wonder if I would have gotten more going TO. Rigor could be considered tooā€¦my counselor said max rigor for me though. It seems like a bit of a random process but theyā€™re entitled to that so good for them.

My daughter did submit the text score but not as high as yours. Test score was my daughterā€™s weakest portion of her application. However, she did have great EC, Essay, recommendations and rigor. After reading all the post about stats and merit amount, we realized how lucky we are and so thankful for what has been offered for my daughter. She got accepted to three schools so far and this is the most amount of merit award that was offered. 22K is also great amount. It will make your tuition lower than in-state tuition without merit. Congratulations to you!

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