Miami Univ Presidential Fellows 2024

Has anybody received notification from Miami U re: Presidential Fellows finalist?

I haven’t heard anything yet. My admissions officer said that they would be released sometime this week

Great - thanks! (Fingers crossed for both of us!)

It comes as a letter, right, not a portal update?

I have no clue… Hopefully email and portal update! Faster! :slight_smile:

My daughter received her letter/invitation today via mail, in state resident. Did not see anything in the portal.

Regular mail makes me nervous. Our carrier mis delivers things all the time

My daughter received invitation today via UPS express

USPS shows a letter coming today. Fingers crossed . @2in2020 UPS express was like a letter or a package? @isitfridayyet was it a letter in the regular mail? We are US not international.
D20 got UHP and Scholars cohort

I blew up the image on USPS. I feel like the FBI. The return reads, “University Honors Program” I don’t know if that makes me feel worse or better. I’ll keep the board posted.

@2in2020 & @isitfridayyet What are the dates of the interviews this year if you don’t mind me asking? :slight_smile:

CONGRATULATIONS! We are in California, so maybe it takes a bit longer? (A girl can dream…)

Just got mine in the mail, no email or change to my portal. The interview dates are February 15th-16th. Of course they had to be when I’ll be out of the country! I’m so bummed :frowning:

I just got my invitation! I live in MN and it came in a large UPS “Very Urgent” Express Envelope. Good luck to everyone waiting!!!

CONGRATULATIONS! My daughter just opened hers, too! So I guess we’ll see some of you in Oxford next month! SO EXCITED! Best of luck to all who are waiting!

I received my daughters invitation in Southern California today. She goes to a prep school in Massachusetts, so I will call her soon to let her know. She is going to be torn to pieces over the dates - Feb 15 & 16…

She was recruited 3 years ago by one of the top New England Prep Schools to play ice hockey for them, and she is the starting goalie (the other goalie is a new freshman). Not only does her team have a key game on Feb 15, but that’s they day the school chose for senior day, where they honor the seniors with a big celebration afterwords. She has been looking forward to this day with her hockey team all season.

The Presidential Fellows FAQ makes it crystal clear that you must attend all events with the statement “All programming is mandatory for you to be considered for the Presidential Fellows Program and scholarship.”

She is going to be excited and crushed at the same time.

Apparently last year there were only 71 finalists of which 12 were awarded the scholarship, so the odds seem pretty good!

Anyway, best of luck to everyone invited!

@KevinFromOC Aw, that’s a REAL bummer! But kudos to her for reaching the Finalist stage! That will always be a feather in her cap!

@KevinFromOC Congrats to your DD. Given your financial circumstances, I don’t see the dilemma here - the scholarship weekend wins. Good luck!

So I am assuming no news is bad news. Did anyone get a letter saying you were not selected? Son got a general honors letter reminding him of all of the program’s opportunities that I suspect is sent in lieu of the offer but it doesn’t mention presidential scholars at all.

Our DD20 received our invite for PFP via UPS Express 2 day. It arrived four days after the date it said it shipped.