Miami University Presidential Fellows Program Class of 2026

Hi, does anyone know how we will find if our kids are finalists? And when?

It was my understanding that we would learn something mid-January (any day now?). On some earlier posts I’ve seen talk of Miami calling the student. I sure hope they email as well because my son NEVER answers his phone! (so irritating!)

My daughter doesn’t answer hers either! I read online that they may just send it through regular mail.

My D is a Presidential Fellow at Miami. She received her interview invitation via mail. The phone call was notification that she was chosen as a fellow.

Thank you for the information. Do you remember on what dates in January you got the call and the letter?

I recently read (from a CC post written last year) that the PFP invitation was received on Jan. 25, 2021. I am just guessing, but I marked Jan. 24, 2022 on our calendar to check in with D after basketball to remind her to check her Miami portal.

My D22 really likes Miami University and had a great experience and made friends with great kids at their Summer Scholars program. But, the merit money she was offered with her acceptance from Miami, although generous, is realistically not enough for our circumstances. At a minimum, she needs to receive sufficient money to cancel the OOS surcharge. Like you, we are hoping to receive a PFP invitation this month, which as you know would provide an opportunity to meet Miami VIP’s and future RedHawks and maybe even receive a larger financial offer. We are keeping our hopes high and our fingers crossed! Best of luck to you as well!


Thank you and good luck!

Hi. On the admitted student Facebook page for Miami, the rep on the site said that invitations would go out toward the end of this week. I believe the interview weekend is Feb 19-20 I think emails to check portals will be sent.


Thanks for sharing that info about admitted students family fb. That was the info and the nudge I needed. I have considered making a fb several times over the years. I always decided against it for the sake of time. But, that closed fb for Miami admitted families was too tempting to pass up. Who knows—Could I be the last Gen Xer to make a fb acct?! Lol!

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FYI, they just announced that they will be mailing out letters today that will say if you are moving forward or not for this scholarship. They will notify all by email in the next 2-3 days. The weekend is still 2/19-2/20 but will now be held virtually due to Covid. Hope this helps.


Is the weekend you’re referring to when interviews will take place?

Yes I believe that is the interview process that helps them select the recipients of the scholarship. From what I read they invite a certain number but not all will be selected. Guess we will know more in a couple of days!

I got notified via my portal that I am a finalist

Nice, where did you find it on the page? Did you click “view update” where the acceptance letter was or is it somewhere else?

just popped up as soon as I logged into my portal!


My daughter just received her email this morning! We hadn’t been checking the portal. Not sure if she got a call because she also never answers!

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Congratulations! Strange that it was through the portal as Mitch on Facebook said it would not be through the portal. Still haven’t received an email for my daughter. Has everyone else received the email?

Those who are not selected as finalists will also be sent letters? No I didn’t receive letter

Do you know if the send the congratulatory emails first and then the rejection emails?

The letters were sent out yesterday so they will take 2-7 days to arrive at your house depending on where you live. However, everyone is supposed to receive an emil today.

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