Miami University Presidential Fellows Program Class of 2027

I started this thread as I did not find it for class of 2027. My son is a semi-finalist and waiting to hear if he gets invited to the final program (Feb 19 -20, 2023).

Please share your kids details if they are selected/interested in Presidential Fellows program.


hi! I am the kid :slight_smile: I’m also a semifinalist and super anxious to see if I get the invite!!

my stats are as follows (also, your sons weren’t in the post, curious what his were?):
GPA abt 4.2 (but my school weights to 4.33 and I don’t know what my recalculated is for Miami)
ACT 35
took 2 APs last year, 3 this year (plus a couple dual enrollments)

if you want to know my ECs, I can follow up with those. good luck to your son :slight_smile:

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Hi there. D23 accepted for Nursing.
4.0/4.4 (if Miami recalculates I’m not sure what it is, probably higher)
ACT 34
Class Rank: school doesn’t rank
5 APs (rest of classes in Junior/Senior year were mostly College in High School)
ECs – captain varsity XC and track-state recognition, varsity soccer, soccer coach for urban youth league, NHS, meal prep for city mentoring program, dental shadowing, part time job working 15-18 hours/week, more leadership roles in school activities, lots of volunteer hours

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I hope you get it, you’ve worked hard!

Kids stats: * Unweighted GPA: 4.00

  • Weighted GPA: 4.50
  • Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.29
  • ACT/SAT Scores: SAT 1420 (730 R & W, 690 Math)
    8 APs (4 complete, 4 in-progress).


  • Eagle Scout
  • American Legion Boys State Delegate
  • James E West Fellow (Scouting)
  • Model UN Best Delegate X3
  • Varsity Letters (Volleyball, Swim, Track)
  • AP Scholar with Honor


  • Scouting Regional and District Leadership
  • Site Council (School Campus)
  • Student Advisory Committee Chair (School District Education)
  • Student Rep for Education Foundation
  • Symphonic/Marching Band (Since 6th Grade, Alto/Tenor Sax)
  • Lifeguard/Swim Instructor for 3 Years
  • STEM Camp (Assistant Coach 2 Years)
  • Scouting Various Service Projects (90 Hours Per Year)
  • Congressional Art Competition

My son is admitted to honors and his admission letter said he was being considered for the PFP. I am not aware of there being stages to the competition, is there a semifinal step? His stats are 4.0 UW and some immodest W score due to APs and dual-enrollment classes.

The kids got an email on Friday saying that they were a semi finalist for the Presidential Fellows Program. They had to submit two answers (essays) by yesterday at 5.

My son is a semi-finalist and filled out the essays. The app said they’d mail invites today but I assumed they’d also email. He didn’t get an email. Has anyone else heard anything? Thanks!

My son also did not receive any notification yet. He filled out the 2 essays.

My daughter has not received any notification. Based on threads from previous years, it looks like the mail goes out today and emails follow a few days after and hopefully arrive at the same time.

Should we assume that if my son did not get an email for two additional essays, he is not moving forward to the PFP? On the portal, his admission letter to honors program says he is being considered for the PFP.

Stressing about the same! No email over here either!

Incidentally there was no word count for them, I’m worried she didn’t write enough?! They were calling them questions not essays per se…

My daughter completed the essays. She said they were snail mailing them today. Maybe we will hear Friday or Saturday by snail mail if they move on to the next round.

Yes, it was very vague. They had so little time, so I figured she did the best she could within the parameters. I’m not real worried as it seems like a long shot anyway.

I honestly don’t know for sure, but it does seem like the invites have gone out. I received a text as well last Friday, addressed to her, saying she had received an email from Miami that requires a timely response. So, in our case they texted the parent as well, but don’t know if that’s everyone’s experience. Her admission letter didn’t say anything about being considered for the PFP, I believe it was for the Prodesse Scholar Program?

Has anyone received an update on this scholarship?

No updates here in NC. Daughter received text and email last Friday notifying of semi-finalist. We both also received a follow up email on Tuesday to be sure to get it in before the 5pm deadline. Her admission letter only mentioned Honors college acceptance and Prodesse Scholar was being considered, but no mention of PFP there.

When did you receive the admission letter?

I also haven’t received an update and I am worried.

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