Miami University Early Decision and Early Action 2024

@Northamericadad and @bgbg4us

Yes… UHP and UASP selection are different committees.

UHP selects their own.

UASP students are selected via a committee consisting of various academic department heads/professors that relate to that particular UASP. Meaning, each UASP will have different selection committee members.

My son asked this very question when he visited campus the first time to kick the tires. And this is the response he was given.

@jdcollegedad I submitted my common app on Oct 29. I submitted my Honours application on Nov 8.

@9167Isha It looks from your prior comments that you may be an international student. The website states that the international application deadline is Feb 1 for a decision in Mar-Apr. It wouldn’t hurt to touch base with your admissions rep.

Does anyone know if it’s possible to negotiate a higher scholarship?

@Custardapple101 I think one can always try, but it is also still fairly early in the process and it is possible there will be additional money offered over the next few months. My son received an initial merit offer from Miami and then yesterday received a letter from the head of his department indicating there might be more merit money coming specifically from that department.

@September11 How many days after receiving admission decision did you got your acceptance packet?

Does anyone know what criteria Miami base on to choose who get into UASP ?

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@springscent I just responded to your thread dedicated to UASP.

Any one hear anything yet about presidential fellowship interview? I know it said late January. Last year there reports some heard about 1/10.

@Northamericadad Nothing yet, my admissions counselor said we should hear back the week of 1/13.

In my acceptance letter, they said: "We are pleased to let you know that you have been selected for a scholarship in the amount of $31000 for the Fall 2020 semester. More details and your final scholarship will be included in your acceptance packet. "
So is it $31000 per semester or per year ? I haven’t received the acceptance packet yet so I’m a little bit confused.

@springscent Scholarship is per year. Congratulations!


Son was notified last year on Friday, January 18.

I remember it well because he had to choose between Miami and Rollins College since their competition weekends were identical. And he’d already told Rollins a month earlier that he was coming to compete. That was a difficult weekend in our house.

What are all of your thoughts on Miami? Are some of your kids with these high stats and big merit going to enroll? So many kids from our high school go to Miami but it’s almost never the kids with the incredible stats I see here. Have any of you visited and seen what it would be like for your high stat student? Seems like all of this chat is just about how much merit the kids are getting but not any excitement about actually attending.

@homerdog - my S20 is high stat (35ACT/4.0uw/lots of EC’s) has visited twice and absolutely loves Miami. He plans to major in Psychology and if he attends Miami would like to do a Global Health minor. After visiting tons of schools with S19 and S20, I found Miami the most impressive of our visits. We did a Discover the Sciences visit day and all of the department heads were present and available. Somehow we ended up on a personal tour with the head of the anthropology department and I was blown away by how approachable she was in discussing the Global Health minor and how she engaged my son in a discussion of his own academic interests. I really think you should do a visit with your D21. Miami might check a lot of boxes for her. (In terms of excitement - Miami was the only school where S20 purchased swag!)


Reference my post #204

I can absolutely attest to my high stat S19 loving Miami. He feels challenged intellectually, he’s thriving socially, and the opportunities Miami is putting in front of him are exceptional. So far, he’s thrilled.

He visited campus twice to kick the tires before he committed. Department heads went out of their way to be available, they had deep discussions, and when all was said and done, Miami sold him. And each and every one of those department heads is making good on their original promises, so I can also attest that Miami isn’t just a Promise Factory. They’re the Real Deal.

I’m with @mountainmomof3 on this one.

@homerdog If I’m being honest, I don’t think Miami is high on D20’s list. She has 4 acceptances, one being at one of her top schools, and she has some RD apps in at other top choices (lottery schools). Miami is the only school on her list that she didn’t visit, and if she gets no other acceptances, then she probably will visit Miami. But if any of her RD apps comes thru with an acceptance, then Miami may just fall off the list.

Her stats aren’t tippy-top though, 1470sat/3.9wgpa/high rigor. But Miami did offer good merit, $26,000 (oos).

@homerdog I would consider myself high stat (35 act/4.0 uw/10 APs/ decent extracurriculars) and Miami is currently my top choice! While I am still waiting on my reach schools (Notre Dame, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, WashU), I could genuinely see myself going to Miami. I visited a few months ago and was definitely impressed. The facilities were definitely the nicest we’ve seen, Oxford is a really cute town, the admissions presentation was very informative and just the right length, and my tour guides were really nice. At least for me, besides the high merit awards, I am very attracted to Miami due to the internship opportunities, alumni connections, multiple advisors, and academic programs (UHP and UASP). There are also undergrad research opportunities. Additionally, I would be able to graduate in three years due to AP credits, which is a huge time and money saver. One of my tour guides was actually graduating early, which made me feel like it was actually feasible compared to other schools. I still have to go back and want to speak more with Political Science faculty, but based on my research and the campus tour, I definitely liked it more than I expected to.

@homerdog My DS is a high stat student. He is considering Miami because of its focus on undergraduates, the merit offered, the ability to easily do double majors, and what seems to be a genuine and focused effort to recruit and support high achieving students. In addition, although we are OOS, he is a legacy student. My husband graduated from Miami, has been very successful in his career, and still maintains contact with some of his professors. That type of ongoing interest and support can prove invaluable. DS is awaiting several RD decisions, but Miami is definitely a strong contender.


I just found your thread regarding your D21. With the exception of Dance, my S19 and your daughter are the same people. My son was also accepted to Kenyon, and he considered quite a few of the colleges you’re discussing.

If you want to discuss further, please PM. I’ll answer everything and anything.