Miami University Early Decision and Early Action 2024

Nothing in MN. Thursday probably, or Friday…I’m dying!! Would have been a great early Christmas present lol

Hey. I am international student who applied EA. I still haven’t received my decision.
I applied for Honours and my application was complete before 8 November.
Why is it that I still haven’t received the decision?

Still waiting for the scholarship letter here in NY. Have Informed Daily Delivery Digest with USPS but there are two mailpieces for which they don’t have images. Here’s hoping!

Same, here in MA.

I live about 40 minutes from Oxford and I have not received the letter yet! Mail already ran today too

@abbiefaith14 okay that seems odd considering they were sent almost a week ago…hope you get it soon!

same! The only explanation I can come up with is that they had it to where everyone gets there’s on the same day?? Hopefully it’ll come tomorrow. I plan on going to Miami so I’m just eager to see what they offer

Waiting here too. I just called the Admissions office out of curiousity and got a recording that they are closed for the holiday. So it may be a while longer. I think the letters must not have gone out on the 20th after all or someone would have gotten one by now.

I didn’t receive the merit letter today, but did get an invitation for the Presidential Open House, so that’s exciting. Hoping for the merit letter tomorrow.

No letter here in MN

Good News! We got our letter today! We got slightly more than we were hoping for so that makes it easy!! The letter states the complete financial packages will be communicated in Mid-March (after the FAFSAs are all processed). I remember when our daughter was accepted a couple years ago, she got an additional scholarship for a Scholars program (couple months later). We are grateful for the amount we’ve received so far - so any additional money would just be an added blessing!!

Our son was in the top tier Merit category by the way.

Here’s to hoping you all get news tomorrow or Saturday!!!

My OOS daughter (EA) Received notification on 12/15. She’s a 5.3 gpa and 1520 sats. We haven’t heard anything regarding merit though and letters were supposed to be mailed on the 20th.

We’re also in MD and top tier and no letter. I emailed the state counselor today to see if they can provide any insight.

I finally see from Informed Delivery that letter should arrive today. Postmark is 12/24 — not 12/20.

Does anyone know if Bridges scholarships are included in the same mailing or are those done at a later time than the other merit scholarships? Thanks!

Ours is coming today as well. Postmarked 12/23

Our merit package came today:

30 ACT Superscore (28 composite)
4.0 GPA-unweighted

1 in Class of 150

4 Sport Varsity Athlete…2 Sport State Qualifier Athlete
Treasurer of NHS, 4 Year Student Council, some community service and other extracurriculars.
Several AP Classes and Honors

$7000 per year

@knickerbocker1 Congratulations on the award! Every bit helps.

How are you guys finding out when yours was post marked/when it is arriving?

If you are signed up on the USPS website for informed deliveries, you get your regular size envelope fronts scanned and emailed to you each day showing what is going to be delivered. That scan of the envelope shows the postage stamp date.