Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

My D21 went from a 3.85 to 3.71. Kinda stinks because 3.75 was the next level for merit! Hoping they will look at senior grades if it becomes a finalist- so far she has 4.3 this year!

My daughterā€™s went from 3.731 (HS) to 4.33 (Miami).

Her high school doesnā€™t weight grades, and they have the worst grading system ever. Example: a 92.5% and up = A (4.0). A 92.4% to 88% = AB (3.5). I could go on a rant about this, so I will stop here about it. Miami must have counted those ABs as As. Thank God.

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wow, yeah - Iā€™d rant about that system!

Daughter just checked and it says transcript waived for her as well. I hope that = admitted!

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My daughter received an email from Miami last night that her application is complete. Her portal has said her application was complete since Oct, so not sure what this email means, or why we got it since her app has been complete for several weeks.

Decisions are coming? Or just a glitch? Thoughts?

@LSA1994 Iā€™m not sure, but my D21 received the same email last night. She applied EA. Is that how your daughter applied? D21 is now convinced decision will be released in the next couple of weeks. Iā€™m not so sure.

Yes she applied EA. I personally think decisions are imminent.

Did your kids apply for any of the honors programs? My son did not but the application has shown on his portal forever. Yesterday they sent him a text asking if heā€™s applying for the honors program because the deadline is next week and to reply yes or no. After he replied no, they said something back like thanks, weā€™ll remove that from your portal. Well, itā€™s still there! I wonder if thatā€™s why he hasnā€™t received an email saying his application is complete.

Everything has been there since mid-October as submitted, other than that optional honors thing and in November they waived his transcript whatever that means. It would be great to have an acceptance under his belt already.

Neither of my boys (2 applied) received an email about their application recently. Both has their transcripts waived on 11/24, but I am guessing that is something that happens for most, unless there is question about their grades.Their applications have been complete since early October. I called yesterday and they still say 1/15 for decisions; however, when I looked at 2019 and 2018, they said the same thing and decisions were around 12/15, which would likely be 12/11 this year. Weā€™ll see!


Thanks for the update! I know of someone that heard already for ED but I assume ED would hear first anyway.

Prior to this year, Miamiā€™s EA notification date was 12/15. This is the first year the EA date is listed as January. It will be interesting to see if they begin rolling out decision now that the ED students have been notified or if they release them all at once in January.

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Perhaps they anticipated receiving a lot more EA applications this year, which has happened at many other schools, and they wanted to give themselves more time to read? I think my daughter submitted her application in early September. Itā€™s a long waitā€¦

@JenR8R It definitely is a long wait. I agree that they may be expecting more EA applicants this year, but they have so few ED applicants it seems like they should not need the additional time.

my s20 applied last year. I was just reading through all the results/merit offers from last yearā€™s thread. Iā€™ll be interested to hear what happens this year. Good Luck, all

Is honors released with EA decisions?

When I did some research, the common app says there were less EA and ED applications this year, by approximately 8%. They said fewer kids were applying, but the average amount of colleges they were applying to was going up slightly. That all said, because Miami is a public school, I supposed they could see more applications since COVID has caused financial issues that may make some stay closer to home and spend less, thus the public option though that likely gives out of state students a slight edge since they will be competing in a smaller pool). The article I read regarding the common application did not specify between public and private schools. It only stated that low income students were applying at a radically lower rate than usual. I am really bummed about the January 15th date. Many schools have announced very early this year. My son heard from Baylor weeks ago and it was slated as January. That happened at several schools so far. I am hoping Miami was just being conservative but still puts out decisions in December. Schools are smart to announce early, as enrollment will surely be reduced this year, and getting kids excited about their school early on helps to get a better yield, and yield will surely be a challenge with less applicants applying to more schools. Hoping Miami sees the value in that!


My daughter also applied and was accepted to Baylor! I watch Sara Harbersonā€™s Instagram Live chats on Fridays. She mentioned yesterday that sheā€™s heard that the EA app numbers are up pretty significantly. Daughter also applied EA to UGA and was deferred [any ego she had is now in check]. I think they had 25% more EA applications this year than last. Iā€™m disheartened, but not surprised to hear that about low income students. I know some of my studentsā€™ families are struggling more than before COVID with a variety of issues (homeless, job losses, mental health, family health issues). Not sure how you focus on the college app process when coping with all of those things.

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Where did you find the data about common app? I would love to read that article if you still have it !

Here is the article, verified Early applications down 8%. I have seen some of the college ''experts" say they expected them to be up (though I am not sure if that is to continue to have the same level of business as if apps are down, so is competition), but since common app is the most widely used, I would assume if they are down, it is across the board. That said, I question if public institutions would be up for the same reason. College applications slide, especially for low-income students - CBS News

@ajwetzel College applications slide, especially for low-income students - CBS News