Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Not sure this is the same article but it had been reported that common apps were down 8% but also that seniors who signed up on common app were down 10% from last year.

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Miami is not a public school, so that must be talking about U-Miami in Florida. This Miami I’m not so sure their applications are up. They have been soliciting like crazy. This is my third kid that has applied for EA and the first time I’ve ever seen them waive the application fee if you attend a virtual tour or any kind of tour. Then they extended that even a week if you missed it the first time. Had I know if you had previously paid and still watched it they would’ve refunded the money, I would have made my kid watch it!

Then the emails and hard mail don’t stop. But then they don’t stop in normal years. But with my son they also didn’t stop in hitting him up for the honors program and that I don’t remember. We’re not sure if he just didn’t click that he was not interested, but I am pretty sure he did click no for that.

The SRAR was an annoyance this year that they didn’t have in previous years and it would have been nice if you submitted a score they just took that instead of the SRAR so maybe people didn’t bother filling that out?

Anyway, it will be interesting to see and I do hope they release early. I don’t recall with my daughter 2 years ago as I do think they were on par with their date which was probably December, but with my son 6 years ago, they were definitely a month early as it came in December and it was not expected until January. Back then we were so new to the process we had no idea to look at the portal and then one day mail came. How naive we were back then! :wink:

I thought Miami is public.

Miami University, established in 1809, is ranked among the top 50 national public universities by U.S. News & World Report. As an original Public Ivy, Miami provides Ivy League-quality education at a public school price with an exceptional return on investment. Miami is a place where ambitious students find their purpose and prepare for a lifetime of success.

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Oh maybe you’re right. I misread that all this time!

Miami is a public school - one of the oldest in the Midwest.

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@srparents15 I am confused. Yes, it is the Miami U in Oxford, which is a public institution. We visited last year and they made that very clear, so is there a 3rd Miami?

I found an additional article and these are the trends it laid out:
-State institutions that are test-optional (especially those usually hard to get into) saw an increase in applications. The theory is that most could not travel to visit schools, many are considering staying close to home due to the pandemic and in-state tuition is cheaper. Students that would not be competitive with test scores required also added to the total, as this would give them a chance they would not have otherwise had.
-State institutions that did not go test options (like Florida schools) had applications down 50%, so we can assume those institutions that went up that are test-optional probably went up mostly for that reason since Florida schools would have the in-state lower tuition and visit options like the others (in theory).
-Top schools that went test-optional saw increases because students that would not be competitive otherwise applied.
-60% of colleges report early applications down, Common app saw an overall 8% decline, with a 16% decline in lower-income students (FAFSA has also reported a decline in the normal applications. This may mean that merit aid money could be more generous since institutions will have more in their budget (again theoretically).
The applications that are up are likely those that are less competitive since it would be the kids that would have not applied to those harder to get into schools if test scores were required. I am not sure how the colleges truly handle this, but it will be interesting to see as the acceptance stats come in. Test scores do normalize how rigorous curriculums are at different high schools, so without that, I have no idea how they will make more objective decisions.


Interesting article. Thanks for sharing. I think the number of students graduating from high school has been declining each year as well (to compound the low numbers). UGA is competitive, but this is the first year they’ve accepted the Common App and I believe been test optional, so that may account for the large number of EA applications they received.

Yes, I have heard that as well re this year’s seniors being one of the smallest in size completely separate from covid altogether so how that all factors in who knows?

I do think that there will be some (not a lot) of kids that get into schools they never would’ve gotten in otherwise without test scores and some that are rejected who submit scores that normally would’ve. Again a small select few.

My son applied ED elsewhere and they don’t release application stats until after the notification date but they did push the application deadline by two weeks earlier in October and I can’t help but wonder if that’s due to a decrease in apps.

The deadline for ED was 12/1 and notifications on 12/15. My daughter applied ED and we have not heard back yet.

@dance609 did she check the portal? Maybe the decision email got stuck in spam? Are you sure she did ED and not EA? EA decisions are not due until Jan, ED December. I would check these two things. Another potential issue, when you applky ED, if your application is not 100% done, you don’t qualify, so make sure everything is complete so she can still do their ED II, if they have one (can’t remember if they do).

It’s not december 15 yet so ED decisions are not quite out yet for everyone.

Yes, she has checked her portal and everything is in. It says in her portal to expect a decision on 12/15. Also, the website says the same thing: Admission Dates and Deadlines | Miami University. It is making me nervous though if other people have heard already and she hasn’t. Although my daughter sent her application in on 10/1 but her counselor struggled to get everything else over because there was a problem with her transcript due to her CCP classes. The counselor had everything sent by 11/9.

@dance609 OK, now that makes a lot of sense. They don’t go by when you apply they go by when everything is in. Since she got everything in around the time most other ED students would have, it was during the “rush” of applicants. I don’t think it is a bad sign at all that she has not heard yet. I would think it would be expected. Miami’s regular acceptance rate is 74%, ED is far better than that. Hang in there, I’m sure you will get good news soon! I do think it is odd that they are not doing it all in one day. They don’t admit to rolling admissions and it makes it confusing for people. They should either tell folks they are rolling and give a final decision expectation date or announce on the same day. Personally, I like the rolling, but I just wish schools would be more transparent. I hope they announce EA on rolling so we can know sooner than later, Miami is definitely a top choice for one of my kids!

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We are anxiously awaiting news (& merit!) for my EA kid. I was hoping to hear both by the end of next week. That fits the timing of when my older kid heard 2 years ago. Of course that was the “Before Times”.

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Admissions yesterday indicated that EA won’t be released until 1/15 this year. I had thought it was just a place holder (and that most would hear before), but it sounds like they will be much later. (My older child heard by 12/13 two years ago, but because they pushed back deadline, they are notifying later this year).

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I find it so odd that that is how Miami is handling ED’s this year. My son applied ED for fall 2019 and the decisions came out at midnight on Dec. 1 of 2018.

Part of the reward for applying ED was that you knew when you were going to hear definitively. EA decisions came out 2 weeks after that. Not really sure why ED is “rolling” this year. I feel badly for those kids, since it is a binding commitment and some are still in the dark!

They are literally all over the place this year. Maybe they just don’t know which way is up or down. It’s frustrating on our end because they’re my son’s safety school and it would’ve been nice to have a school under his belt in December. Now if he doesn’t get into his ED school, he is going to have to widen his net even further because he isn’t going to take chances that he doesn’t get into his other schools either which in a normal year most should have been likelies for him, but this year, who the heck knows?

If it turns out to be a real crap year he may be best off just deferring college altogether or going somewhere else and then transferring after one year/semester.

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I’m not surprised. Where did you see the announcement?

The admissions page states 1/15, but when I called to confirm that review would not be held up by honor application (since I am not interested in that) and asked directly if EA would come out before 1/15. It is still possible they could start sending earlier, but the AO did not seem to think that would be the case.

I think certain schools gave themselves more time this year, but many will not use it. As a public school, they may have been a good play, as application load may be higher than normal, even though yield will likely be lower than normal (8% less applicants to college, but those 92% that are applying are applying to more schools). That said, Baylor and several other schools my boys applied to had January dates and they have gotten their decisions already. They were acceptances, so I am not sure if rejections came out yet, but I still have hope that EA decisions will hit this month. It’s wise for Miami to do, as it will improve their yield. The more kids that mentally commit to them, the less it matters if they get other acceptances for their yield. Let’s pray it comes out soon, I’d like to see my boys make decisions by January so they can meet other students (online of course) and start mentally making the exciting next move! There is little for these kids to look forward to these days, but college is a bright spot for them!