Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

It might depend on program. My S21 wants to double major in SLAM and in Farmer, could only put one on the application, and put SLAM. Given that sports management is not as competitive as the biz school at Miami, my guess is that he got a higher merit amount (highest OOS at full tuition). SLAM is now its own dept. and I think they are trying to get more competitive and get more high performing students. Farmer is already competitive.

Again, just a guess.

Yes, yes and more YES on the faux-rankings front. The fact is they were developed many years ago as a marketing strategy and still serve the same purpose ā€¦ of helping meet the institutional needs/wants of a school. YES, some schools have perceived prestige over others BUT when you dig down, the targets are always moving and criteria always changing - sometimes unrelated to actual strength or said ā€œrankā€. Weā€™ve sort of been led to believe ranks are ā€œofficialā€ when in reality not so much. Whatā€™s important to you as a student ? Be smart. Look deeper.

Iā€™ve toured Miami with 2 of my kids (pre-COVID) and we saw an absolutely gorgeous dorm each time. The common areas were completely updated and belonged on HGTV! With that said, I have no idea what dorms I saw. My last in-person tour was Oct, 2019!

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I understand that rankings arenā€™t everything. Believe me - I attended the number one ranked graduate program for my field and it wasnā€™t anything spectacular that I couldnā€™t get elsewhere. I just had the massive student loans that went with the prestige. However, there are other schools with ā€œstrongerā€ programs by other measures, and equal merits like student life, location, etc. Iā€™m not trying to say Miami isnā€™t a great option. Weā€™ve looked at the professors, the kind of research they are doing, opportunities for students, etc. at each school in relation to what my daughter is interested in. In this case, there probably is merit in the rankings. Miami is a good option for many reasons, but without a better financial aid package, itā€™s not as appealing (or realistic) as others.

Completely agree. It all comes down to what is important for the student and oneā€™s family. Iā€™m not up to date on this thread or your situation. I was responding to another as I sometime cringe when I hear rankings ā€¦ knowing what I know, what they actually mean/donā€™t mean and how they are gleaned. Iā€™ve seen how the sausage is made so to speak !

I was really impressed with what comes with Honors admittance. The automatic acceptance into the dual degree (Bach/Masters) is super appealing as is the study abroad stipend/discount. Those new dorms are nice too!


We always said find your major first and than which schools offer you the best academic, experiential experience and campus life experienceā€¦apply to those and see where things pan out financially. My D21 ended up choosing a school that was actually a few thousand more each year because what they could offer was a step above the othersā€¦including Miamiā€¦sometimes what you love isnt what you need or best


@FeiXing thatā€™s amazing! Congrats! Did she apply ea or rd?

She did not apply any ED or REA. Tulane is EA and she is in-state.

And remember to consider a shortened Masterā€™s option in your price consideration. If your student is likely to get a Masterā€™s degree, this can really bring down the overall price. While these combined programs are getting more popular, many parents have no idea what the cost and aggravation savings can be. For one of my boys, a private school at $48K net price per year will be cheaper than the public at $30k per year because of the time savings. He would have had to get a Masterā€™s for what he wanted to do anyway. Most combined programs allow you to keep the same undergrad tuition rate. Separate out grad school and it is not only longer, but can cost a ton more per unit.

The houses within the honors dorms are new concept for next year. If you go to their website, you can see the amenities for each hall. The honors dorms are the newer ones on campus. I doubt anyone would be disappointed in them.

International Student.
SAT: 1520
GPA: 4.0
Status: Accepted
Scholarship: $21k

I have heard that they can icnrease the amount later. Is it true? When should we hear back about the change in scholarship amount?

That was true last year. This year they are saying not to expect increases. Time will tell!

My D just received an increase of 2K from the initial 21K. Good luck to you.

Congrats!! Was that for Prodesse or did merit just increase without any interaction on your part?

My understanding is that for this year Miami wasnā€™t really factoring the ACT/SAT into account and thatā€™s why we had to use the SRAR report. My son who had higher grades than my daughter who applied 2 years ago, received a full tuition scholarship worth 36k a year, to her scholarship which was 24k/year. Her ACT was only 1 point lower. I donā€™t think he received 12k more than her solely because he had 1 point higher ACT. I think it was because the SRAR put his GPA at way above a 4.0 when recalculated. I also think that if they had taken the SRAR into account back then, she probably wouldā€™ve received money more inline with what he is being offered because his grades are not substantially higher and for both of them they were in the full tuition bracket. I canā€™t imagine itā€™s a way for them to appeal to OOS students. My neighbor whoā€™s daughter was accepted to nursing was offered 13k year which is well lower than they were hoping for as an OOS.

We were told the test scores ā€˜could only help but not hurt.ā€™ It seems like to be awarded the 36K OOS, the ACT had to be around 33 or 34+ with a weighted GPA well above a 4.0. Thatā€™s most of what the posts on this site have indicated and is consistent with a few I know of personally that got the full amount vs the 21Kā€¦very high GPAs (over 4.6) with a lower 30s ACT didnā€™t get the 36K

Yes his was consistent with that but so was my daughterā€™s and she didnā€™t get the full tuition her year which leads me to believe itā€™s based more on the GPA since thatā€™s where there was a bigger variance.

That is surprising on your daughter but I think this year is not really comparableā€“totally different circumstances, first time using the SRAR, and of course first time test optional. I suspect next year will be different again (and probably more conservative than the merit money this year). It was definitely easier to get to the top tier this year than ever before, so merit dollars are understandably more stretched with the record number of applicants. Congratulations to your sonā€“that is fabulous!

I know I posted already but relevant to this discussionā€¦ My in-state twins ACTs are 33 and 34 and Miami GPA 4.44 and 4.46 and each got the minimum for 3.95+ of $13k annually (plus one got $2k more for Prodesse).

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