Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Congrats on Prodesse!! I don’t really understand why in state students with credentials like your kids did not get full tuition–it is not a huge difference and it would have been nice for the in state kids. I also think they should have differentiated a bit --even if it was in small increments–for students above a 3.95. It doesn’t leave a great taste to have a 4.8 getting the same as a 3.95, but again I know money is tight and they were generous even at the 21K compared to prior years.


Do they both want to go there? If so, I would contact your AO and ask if your Prodesse twin can be reconsidered, for the cutoff to be between them with that minimal ACT & GPA difference between the two is crazy! Can’t hurt and I imagine they’d understand!

I know, they are identical in so many ways! So you’re suggesting that I request to have the Prodesse twin considered for Honors?

I absolutely would if it were me! Best guess is that your twins’ stats highlight a “cutoff” for honors college of a 4.5 GPA (by rounding your one twin meets it and the other doesn’t) and/or (because we don’t really know how much test scores mattered) top bracket ACT (many colleges lump 34-36 together). But its not like your Prodesse twin was way off, she is at the tippy top of the kids who were denied and I think that is the point of “holistic review” afterall - to add the human element into the algorithm and the human element here says “goodness this is quite the scenario!”

Of course I get that its college and your twins are new adults and life isn’t fair, the cutoff has to be somewhere, yada yada. And if they say exactly that than fine, no harm done in asking! But if they say “hey they’re twins, maybe they wanted to room together, maybe they planned to study abroad together” or even just “wow that sure was a tough way to divide them for how small the difference is” and they’re able to make this concession. Besides, what if her GPA goes up .01 with first semester grades or even full year grades and then she legitimately rounds to a 4.5 so she does in fact end up with the same GPA - you could tell them that may lead to unnecessary animosity in your family.

Good information and considerations! Thank you! By the way, the Prodesse twin is the 34 ACT and 4.42 and National Merit Commended Scholar, and the one that got into Honors is the 33 ACT with a 4.44.

Oh!! All the more reason I’d ask for another few minutes consideration, anyone can understand how that would be hard to make heads and tails sense of, the AO should surely understand the request! It could also be an unfortunate luck of the Prodesse twin being in an over-represented major in the HC so the stats for admits in that major were higher than the other twins major.

I guess I’ll go against popular opinion and say I think they did look at scores if submitted. My D’s GPA actually went down on SRAR. Her Miami GPA was 3.71. She needed a 3,75 to get into the $16-21k range, so she was in the $11k-$15k range. She submitted her 1320 SAT and got $16k merit with acceptance. The only thing I can think is the SAT helped so they gave her the bump.

I just wish they would let people know if they didn’t get prodesse. I kniw it’s honors but honors says ask admission. I know my daughter likely didn’t get but it would be nice to know officially.

Anyone from DC, Northern Virginia area on here? We are in Loudoun County, VA. My son is leaning heavily towards Miami in the Game Design + Simulation major in the ETBD program. Feedback I heard is ~200 students from Mid-Atlantic enroll in a typical year. Thats a bigger area than it sounds- DC, MD, VA, WV, DE, not sure about PA but generally Philly is considered Mid-Atlantic.

We’re from MD. My daughter hasn’t committed yet, but Miami is one of her top choices.

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I agree. I think they put students in the higher of the GPA-only chart and Test/GPA chart and then within each tier used test, if submitted, or SRAR GPA to determine lower or higher. of range.

Just adding another data point to the discussion.

D21 OOS applied RD - social sciences
Admitted to honors program, merit offered 21K OOS

UW GPA 4.0 / Miami W GPA 4.33 (will have 8 AP classes (9 tests), 2 college in schools, & the few honors classes her HS offers); quite a bit of extracurricular & volunteering - but unfocused
Didn’t submit ACT as figured it wasn’t helpful but her super score was 33 (math section substantially pulled the rest down- though she doesn’t struggle with math classes).

Miami is a higher choice for her; but Hendrx and Bama are (currently) coming in cheaper (and Dad finds 14K/year to be a compelling argument).

midwestmom13 – you know, i’ll suggest looking through the thread from last year. Majority of 34/3.95 UW oos kids did not receive full tuition at all; or even in the middle of that top tier range. Ultimately they offered some more (to our kid) - came to about 75% tuition - but that was later in game. We were disappointed, but understand too.

Congrats on the 75%! That’s fabulous. I’ve looked at last year-that’s why I think the 21 is still very generous. I don’t think there will be a second round of later merit this year unless a lot of kids decline. I understand the need to spread the merit dollars, especially with the number of applicants this year.

Don’t read much about Hendrix. Great school. But small. Bama and Arizona. No one beats them $ wise. $14k is a lot !!

Your student just heard back from RD? Did everyone get decisions?

My daughter was accepted to honors (nursing major). I also have a current sophomore at Miami. She was worried about living in the honors dorms freshman year and went back and forth about it. She was SO happy she did! There is a nice mix of students and she easily met friends who were able to balance academics and social life. The new area (Western Campus) that the honors dorms will be in is beautiful! Easily some of the nicest dorms on campus. If my current senior chooses Miami (she has narrowed to Miami and one other) she will definitely live in the honors dorm (and she is more social than her sister!).


@lorabora - glad she liked them! Especially since it’s now required for first year Honors College students to live in the Honors dorms as the program is a residential Honors College starting with this class.

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Miami actually has a Pinterest page that has each dorm listed with pictures of rooms (with room numbers which helps when you find out where your student is living), common areas, kitchens, etc etc. Look up ‘Parent and Family Programs, Miami University’. It was a HUGE help to us when my daughter was a freshman!


Thank you!!!