Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

DD found out yesterday that she was accepted to the Honors College. Miami wasn’t at the top of her list but this will probably cause her to give it another look.

D21 found out yesterday she was not admitted to honors, which removed Miami from her list. She was admitted to honors OSU so we were quite surprised, but made the choice easier. I told her she should decline her acceptance, but there doesn’t seem to be a place to do that online. Every other school she has applied to has that option. Are we missing something- has anyone declined thier offer?


I think that is so updstanding of you to open up a spot for another student, since you know your daughter’s decision. I would imagine you can just email your AO. It’s interesting how some schools have the decline button, while others do not.


I was wondering if anyone got into LSAMP? I was accepted but I haven’t heard from many others.

Thanks, that is what she will do. It does seem odd they don’t make it easier, so many other schools have even sent emails asking for declines (if your decision is made) to open spots for other students.

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The option of cancel is available to my D’s portal, like this below. We can withdraw from here easily.

Status: Completed 12/06/2020 2021 Honors Programs ApplicationDisplay
Status: Completed 03/07/2021 Accelerated Master’s Degree InterestDisplay
Required Confirm Your Enrollment for Fall 2021
Optional Not planning to attend Miami? Cancel your application.

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My D’s also shows this.

Thanks for that info- I will have her look again!

I called admission a few days ago and they informed me that merit scholarships are final and will not increase. I’ve read in old forums some students were able to negotiate or suddenly saw an increase in the merit scholarship around March/April, so it is upsetting that merit scholarships this year have been set in stone.

I believe scholarships are determined due to COVID. The college has lost a tremendous amount of money and therefore cannot distribute much to students. Also, the applications have definitely increased so Miami isn’t worried about filling up seats.

If anyone this year has seen an increase or was able to receive more than the initial offer, please comment your experience below, thanks!


We did not appeal, and no increase for us. However, I have to admit, as a state university, Miami is doing a great job providing funds to applicants as they have promised.


We were also told no increase in merit this year.

They were very generous - it appears esp OOS.


Just to offer some perspective on the merit, my OOS kids (a Junior daughter and Sophomore son) who both attend Miami, had virtually the same grades and test scores as my current prospective Miamian. Son and daughter each received $8,500 in merit. D21 received $21k this year. Brings her tuition to close to in-state for us.

For the older two, they are much closer to full-price OOS tuition than anything.

If you think the merit is stingy at Miami, this year’s merit scale is by far their most generous offering in years. (and perhaps ever.) We have no complaints!


Exactly. D never, ever considered applying but when she recd the mailings showing the OOS merit simply based on grades (and hers are strong) it was a free, no-brainer to check the box to apply.

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Exactly why we submitted an application to Miami.

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Yeah, I guess I was just hoping for more. As in in-state student, I had a 4.6 gpa and 33 on my ACT and received the lowest end on the merit scholarship (13k).

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Looks like they must’ve added a “cancel your application” option to the portal sometime recently because I have the option now.

So Miami meets the guidance published on their website for scholarship level for everyone while maybe 1% admitted got the highest end of the bracket.

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Miami’s merit is extremely generous. I was simply stating that they are not increasing it this year, which is a change from past years.

Yes, we were really happy with the merit offer for our son. He received the maximum possible for his GPA bracket and an additional scholarship for participating in the Bridges Program this past fall. Total dollars brings Miami down to the same cost as in-state schools in our state, so it’s a great choice for us financially (especially since this price is locked for four years) if he decides to go!