Miami University - Ohio Class of 2025 EA & RD

Mines is a great school, but hard to award scholarships.


College is what the student makes of it. I love C of C. My D got thrown a bunch of $$$ and we literally have a small second home at Montagu and Coming Streets. However, I have met countless kids who love Charleston so much that the never leave and want to spend their 20ā€™s in the hospitality business there. Itā€™s not for her.

Unfortunately for me, reading on the CC, in the past, people got $19.5K. This year, on the web, it shows $8-12K. We got $12K. So it seems like they lowered it.

If your EFC is $30K or less, they give another $6K.

Tuition is $34K. We did get a one time $2K award. But itā€™s a lot pricier than others she got into (FSU, U of SC).

But yes - itā€™s a cool city, neat placeā€¦I get it. But Iā€™m not seeing a high grad rate or high salaries and as a dad that worries me.

The son of good friends is a current freshman at RHU. He likes the school though not necessarily Terre Haute or the right-leaning attitudes of some of his classmates. He was rejected from Mines which is ok because he gets to play soccer at RHU.

My nephew considered it. They popped in to speak to admissions officer on way back to Chicago from Vandy. Impromptu, but got a very cold reception until the AO popped his name in system and saw his scores. Then he got red carpet. LOL! Ended up at UIUC.

Thatā€™s such a turn off when schools do that. Itā€™s why Duke came off my older sonā€™s list.

@tsbna44 Thanks. Yes, both great schools. Heā€™s decided on Rose-Hulman and after visiting and seeing how amazing the school is, I am 100% supportive (even though we live in Colorado. Cost-wise, with his scholarship and their Rose squared program (Masterā€™s in 4 years at the same time as your bachelorā€™s) it will actually be cheaper than a state school.
@FeiXing They were actually pretty generous. He has a 3.5is with a 1430 on the SAT (his goes to the top school in CO and they give almost no weighting) and they gave him $21,000. Itā€™s still expensive, but when I compare the fact that almost all the kids graduate in 4 years vs 5-6 years at Mines and he qualifies for their 4 year Masterā€™s program because of the courses he will bring in (he took Calc 2 and 3 while still in HS at Mines along with other AP courses and one at Tulane), it will be about the same cost/a bit cheaper (depending on if he actually completes the masters, which I am almost sure he will do).

Rose-Hulman is one of those schools that if I had not read all the Unigo reviews from students, would have never hit my radar, which then passed along to him. The campus is beautiful and Unigo shows that 88% of kids say their professors are almost always available for them (compared to 20% at Mines and 44% at Miami). Itā€™s a more collaborative environment than Mines, which is very competitive and with his personality, that really makes the difference. The shocker was the $10K per year extra income, which I expected to be far lower in IN than CO, but their recruiting support, freshman research/internships/coops, and other benefits of a small school plus the reputation in firms, must make the difference. For the record, they are ranked #1 in non-doctoral programs, with US News (number 42 in all engineering programs with Niche), but that just got us to look at it as an option and really was not a factor in his choice TBH.

I wish more parents would take the rankings with a grain of salt, as there are so many great unknown programs out there that can really offer students a lot.


I love it when students find an amazing fit academically, socially, and financially! I am really hoping when we go visit some schools next month that my senior will ā€œfall forā€ one of them!

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My son is now leaning towards FSU just got back from visiting. Miami still in the game

Can I message you please? Iā€™m also deciding between FSU and Miami and havenā€™t been able to take a tour for fsu

My wife took my daughter - said was very nice. Compact - but then they went to UF (22K more) and of course my daughter had to like that more.

Honestly, based on the feedback I see on CC, it seems like while UF is ranked higher and people note it, that they prefer FSU - the people and the campus. So I was surprised. But her friend also liked UF better - separate trip.

Good luck.

As for Miami, if we get in, weā€™ll have to go see - if they give us big $$.

My daughterā€™s top choice is/was Americanā€¦only gave $15K tho.

Good luck.

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Sorry meant Miami FLā€¦weā€™re in Miami OH with $21K.

Daughter doesnā€™t like in the middle of nowhere and the surrounding business are was too small. I thought it was quite nice and like how youā€™d save on greek fees - as they house in the dorms. Thatā€™s a win!!!

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This is a big factor that affects peopleā€™s final decision.

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Have all of you received RD decisions? Iā€™m international student. Neither me nor my friends got any email. Anyone can relate?

I just toured yesterday and think the campus is gorgeous! Theyā€™re still doing construction which is a good sign, at least 2 parking garages and lots of parks and overall just really pretty buildings. Lots of cars on campus, it was 70 degrees out and tons of kids were driving instead of walking which was kinda odd. I def get what people are saying about the surrounding businesses, thereā€™s like a starbucks, a few clothes places and then bars and TONS of frats (I noticed less sororities). Driving to and from the airport was kinda neat- Iā€™m from boston so i donā€™t see this much open land too often, but the school is def the only place that had anything going on for miles. I am a little worried about the greek life, I want to have the option to still have a social life without going greek and it did seem like almost everyone I saw was in greek.

I am majoring in public health so if anyone knows how good their program is or anything about it that would be amazing!

Lastly, I left thursday (march 25) morning and when driving out everyone was dressed for st pattyā€™s day- which happened last weekend i believe- and there were lines at a bar at 8 am. Fun for me, shocking for my mom, and both of us were confused on why everyone was celebrating a week late.

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You were probably there when they were celebrating Green Beer Day! Look it up online - itā€™s an unofficial Miami tradition. Also, according to their Greek Life website, only about a quarter of men are involved in Greek life and about 30% of women, so plenty of unaffiliated students.

I believe, if i remember correctly from the tour that sororities are in dormsā€¦so you wonā€™t see houses.

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Is there a social life outside of greek life? It seems like there isnā€™t much to do in the area but drink and it willl problematic if students do not bring a car to campus in terms of mobility. I am a bit concerned as a parent.

We toured with a co-workers nephew. Weā€™re in NJ but he was from the St. Louis area. He said being Greek helps with socializing, but he isnā€™t Greek and has loved his time there (heā€™s a junior). I think frats are under a bit of a microscope right now, at Miami and across the country, so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re being reigned in a bit.
Also, you canā€™t pledge until spring semester, which I like because it gives kids time to get settled and decide if they really want to pledge.

My FD has had no problems with having a social life even with how difficult covid makes it. She doesnā€™t have a car, but her roommate does. They use it on Sundays for church and the rest of the time walk or use the bus. My student is not the Bar/club type. She loves all the hiking trails, going uptown to the Farmers Market, ice skating, and even got to try curling at the ice rink. I have never come across a college with more clubs and activities than Miami.

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Also a lot of students are in service and academic frats that are co-ed. My view on Miami is if a student is bored that it is their fault.