Miami University Presidential Fellows Program Class of 2027

The Early Action acceptance letter from December 14th is what I was referencing. Nothing received yet regarding the Presidential.

okay, got it.
I hope they send out the scholarship decisions soon.

I am a senior who applied for the PFP as well. It had said in my acceptance email on December 14th that I was being considered for the PFP and finalists would be notified in mid-January, but I have not received anything. Does anyone know if they only sent out the essay questions to those that are finalists?

Hi there. It does seem that those being considered have received the essay questions already, but I don’t know if there is a second round. My daughter’s acceptance letter said " Your application for the Prodesse Scholars Program is still under review and a final decision will be released by March 15."
She is a semi finalist for the Presidential Fellows Program which she didn’t hear anything about at the time of acceptance, just last week in an email.

My son got an invite.

Because of your commitment to your education and personal development, you have been recognized as one of our highest achieving applicants.

The honor of your attendance is requested at the

Scholars Showcase
FEB. 19-20
Activities begin mid-day Sunday and continue through late afternoon Monday.

In addition, we are pleased to share that you have been selected as a finalist for the Presidential Fellows Program, Miami’s most prestigious scholarship.

To be considered for this program, you are required to attend Miami’s Scholars Showcase. Miami will pay for travel and accommodation costs for you and one guest.

Space is limited. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

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My son was not selected as a finalist but was asked to participate in Scholars Showcase.

We got the invite to the scholars weekend as well despite that she just found out she is NOT a PFP finalist.

Does anyone here feel misled? I was under the impression we just had to fill out said “questionnaire” and then we’d get to go there to REALLY compete for the PFP. I was not aware that this questionnaire was a screening mechanism. They had all of dd’s stats prior to this, so I think it wasn’t transparent that either the timing of when we submitted the form or what we wrote on the form was the deciding factor?

Yes it was pretty confusing, especially since the subject line of the email was “Congratulations!” We did understand that being a finalist was contingent on the ‘essay’ competition. But the scholars weekend invite email is what was confusing to me. I wrote this on the other PFP board.

We got the same email. Honestly I didn’t read it well because I initially thought she was a finalist, lol. I don’t really understand how this all works. Maybe everyone who was a semi finalist gets invited to this weekend for additional scholarships? And only those who are finalists are considered for the PFP, it’s a bit confusing. Honestly, the only reason my daughter applied to Miami is because when we visited, it seemed like she would be in a higher scholarship range. But, the scholarship they offered wasn’t that great, students with lower stats got higher merit $. Maybe they track genuine interest by weekends such as these, who knows.

Same!!! We got the LOW end of the range for top stats. Right before the PFP invite, we were close to taking it off the list. So now not sure if we fly to Ohio for this Scholars weekend or what. All I can find is the Prodesse scholarship for OOS. They are referencing scholarships (plural) but none are detailed on site. Prodesse is max $2k and that is not enough $$ for her to attend unless they up the merit!

I agree, we would probably want more details. My husband and I thought the campus was lovely, but for some reason our daughter was ‘meh.’ So, this makes things a bit easier.

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My suspicion is that they have very good data analytics & holistic considerations to predict which one of PFP winners will actually attend Miami. The mere high-stat candidates weigh multiple such offers, and it’s a game between institutions to protect their yield in this rarefied field of applicants. Congratulations to all finalists, you have worked hard for this accomplishment and we, the parents are super proud!


My daughter got cut from the PFP but was asked to come to the scholars weekend where they are being shady and not saying how much merit aid is available by attending. “up to full tuition” but that leaves a lot in between. I now know of FOUR people, two who have worse stats than my daughter, and two who have similar stats who got WAY more merit. My daughter’s stats are: Weighted 4.71 and 33 ACT. She has the diversity they are looking for. In fact, went to the diversity weekend they offered in the Fall which upon completion promised a scholarship of between 3-5k. She got the low end of that. Not sure why. So she was given 22k total including the diversity scholarship.

None of these other people I mentioned were being considered for this presidential full ride. Yet 3 of them got 34k. From my same area. Three from my high school. The fourth kid who I heard “has c’s and d’s” got 28k. I’m beyond disgusted and probably moving on at this point. We were going to go to the scholars weekend, but now I have to what spend a grand to travel there to get the same 34k everyone got who never went?

I’d like to write a letter to admissions but I have no idea what to say. Thanks.

I don’t believe PFPs are based solely on academic performance, because if it were, my son couldn’t have possibly done anymore! He already is 1/400, 4.0 UW/5.0 W GPA, 8 APs and 18 DE courses (mostly at our flagships), 36 ACT and such. I think it gets you in for additional look beyond which other holistic factors kick in (leadership, community engagement, etc). Plus, colleges make an educated guess if these high stat candidates are likely to attend their institutions. So yield protection works equally in selecting PFPs.

Having said that, like your daughter, my son is moving on and is unlikely to attend Miami. I am sure your daughter will find the perfect school and she will have a bright future.

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Does anyone know when the Presidential Fellows will be notified of the decision? Miami wasn’t one of my top choices at first but the Scholars Showcase really impressed me.

Here are my stats:
1590 sat, 3.95 uw, 4.7 wgpa
12 aps, 3 de
5s on all ap exams but 1
National merit finalist
Us Presidential scholar nominee
A few national awards for my intended major

We are waiting as well. Have heard nothing yet.

I received an email on Friday to sign up for a phone call. I had the phone call on Sunday, and was invited to the program. I believe all those offered spots were contacted already, but I’m not sure if alternates were.

Congrats to you! The bums me out for my kid but congrats to you! Quite an honor!

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Update on our kid: We received emails at 9:00 last night that she did not get the Fellows scholarship. They did up her overall scholarship offer which was nice, but not really sure where this leaves us.