<p>Update on D’s University of Michigan week-end:</p>
<p>Thanks again for all of your advice on snow driving…it did snow every day we were there, except the day we left. But i was utterly amazed at how quickly the snow plows were out! We were staying at the Bell Tower Hotel, and the only street that was unplowed after about 2 inches of snow fall, was the one right in front of the hotel. Driving to North Campus was really no problem at all, it was really well-traveled and clear by 8am on audition day. I was also amazed at the mini-plows that cleared the side walks too!</p>
<p>On another note it was FRIGID there! It is currently 50 degrees warmer at home today than it was when we left Ann Arbor yesterday…so do bring warm clothes. We were glad to have hats and gloves and scarves and extra layers under our West Coast Coats! Boots were great to have too. </p>
<p>The Audition:</p>
<p>What a well-organized day! We left the hotel at 8:15 and headed to North Campus. I dropped daughter off at The Walgreen and then headed over to the School of Music to park, as was requested in the confirmation info. There were people parking at the Walgreen as well, but it’s smarter to park at the School of Music, because you end there. There was a $5 charge for the day. Once i parked i walked back to the Walgreen and met D for the opening talk, which was led by 3 students, one of which we already knew. They were all very eloquent and informative and were great at putting the kids at ease. Professor Wagner came in later and talked about the program, the process and took questions. He was very engaging and interesting to listen to. Kids were given folders with lots of info as well as their own schedule for the day. There were about 70 kids there, with as many, if not more parents. it was a full house! </p>
<p>D started with the dance call (there were 2 times scheduled), which was immediately after the talk. That lasted about an hour + during which i had coffee with several other waiting Moms, across the way at Pierpont Commons. Singing, monologue and piano auditions were all scheduled throughout the day at the School of Music, which we walked to…D had singing first, then piano and monologues last. She was there until after 4pm. She knew several kids who were auditioning and they had every possible combo of the above 3!</p>
<p>Those running the auditions, which included administrative folks from the school and current students could not have been any more gracious or welcoming. They really made everyone feel very comfortable. All of the faculty were easy-going and warm. D said the accompanist was the finest she had ever sung with.</p>
<p>D felt it was a wonderful experience and hopes for a good result in the coming weeks, but is well aware that there will likely be 400+(our guess, no one said that) or more females competing for the 10 spots available. The admissions talk later in the afternoon was informative and helpful. There was conversation about both the notification process and financial aid. The woman who spoke (Emily?) said that they should all hear something by the end of 4 weeks (Professor Wagner had said 4-6 weeks in his talk). She also said that anyone “deferred” would likely not hear until late March to April. I asked if anyone had been accepted from the November auditions and she replied that there had already been acceptances, though she said she didn’t know how many. </p>
<p>All in all, it was a great week end…and wonderful experience for my girl. I can only hope that the remaining auditions are as fun!</p>