Michigan Math and Science Scholars

I am currently a freshman who recently found out about the MMSS program. I’ve been searching all over the web for stats of those accepted into MMSS but have found nothing. If anyone can help provide me with some of your stats or if you can let me know how hard it is to get accepted, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone has tips on how they wrote their personal statement, please share them. Thank you!

hey :)) im a sophomore and im also submitting an application for the MMSS program. tbh idk anything ab the stats for the program. i actually havent started my application but its due in around a week :// what sessions are u thinking about joining?

I was thinking of taking Art and Mathematics or Data, Distributions, and Decisions in session 2. I am also interested in forensic physics but I have no prior knowledge in physics so I’m not sure if I’m well suited for that class. Hbu?

my first choice would be Relativity: A Journey through Warped Space and Time :))

I submitted my application 2 weeks ago and yesterday I got a notice that I was accepted to my first choice session 1 and second choice session 2. I’m happy to answer any questions!

my son did this program about 8 or 9 years ago, he really enjoyed it!

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omg what did u write in u personal statement? i havent started mine and idk how to start

also, what programs did you choose? :))

Wow that’s amazing!! I’m thinking of attending session 2! What course are you going to take? Also, did you have any prior experiences that you included? I have some experience in math competition but not much in science. I don’t really know what to include in my personal statement.

I’m go assigned to Graph Theory for Session 2 and “Hex and the 4 Cs” for Session 1. I wouldn’t take the personal statement too seriously, I just wrote about why I wanted to attend MMSS. I applied for MMSS as a safety option because the acceptance rate is ~40%.

My son is a sophomore and will be attending the second session number theory class. We don’t know much about the program but had researched summer programs for a while and this one seemed to have the best topics that interested him, a good schedule, and decent price (compared to others). Plus he liked that it was virtual since he wasn’t interested in going out of state to attend one of these programs just yet. As far as stats, I’d say he’s a strong student but definitely not taking advanced math courses like some math wizzes out there. He’s in algebra 2 and does math competitions. Plus does a few other school activities which he wrote about in his personal statement. During quarantine he got into stock trading on the Robin Hood app which led to him to conceive the idea to start a stock trading club at his school this year so he talked about that. He did take the SAT this fall so he submitted his scores. But like you, we’ve been wondering what the acceptance rate is. It took a long time for his teacher’s rec letter to get sent, but once that was sent, my son got a response fairly quickly. Hope this info helps.

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