MMSS (Michigan Math and Science Scholars)

Hello, has anybody done the MMSS program at UMich in the past? If so, is it fun and worth the cost? Do you get to learn a lot? Is it boring? Do you get enough free time? The class about the statistics of happiness seems the coolest to me. Thanks!

Bump on this thread lol

My S19 did the MMSS program after his freshman and junior years. He really liked it. He made good friends both times. The math program he did after freshman year was challenging, but not in a stressful way. He loved the organic chemistry class - great instructor and super helpful prep for when he took organic for credit the following Fall. He never complained that it was too much work - seemed to have time to relax every day. I hope you like it if you go!

I attended MMSS for two sessions last summer, ‘Art and Mathematics’ as well as ‘Graph Theory’. As an overall program, I enjoyed it a lot and ended up meeting a lot of great people who were passionate about academics. Ann Arbor is also lovely and the DIA was amazing! With the actual courses though, it depends on which ones you choose. I didn’t end up learning or enjoying my ‘Art and Maths’ program because it was pretty disorganized, and not challenging at all. My Graph Theory course was amazing though, and I really loved it. If you’re looking for the ‘college’ experience, it might give you a little taste of it, as I’m now doing Dual Enrollment and it’s similar. Overall, it’s pretty affordable (with aid) and overall a pretty good experience if you enjoy a summer of a more academic nature. I wouldn’t say it’s challenging, and you do get a lot of free time. Do you have any other questions?

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Hi, I’m interested in the MMSS program too. When would you recommend submitting your application by?

I’m pretty sure they have rolling admissions, so I would recommend doing it as soon as possible! You’ll probably get a response within a month, I submitted mine in January and got an acceptance letter in late January/early February if I remember correctly.

Hello! I know it’s been a couple of months since someone talked on this tread but was it hard for you to get accepted? I know the acceptance rate is around 50 percent but I’ve been trying to look for people’s stats and have found nothing. My grades are all As so that I am not worried about, but I have never had prior experience with science camps before. I did attend a math camp 2 years ago though at UCSD, though that would be in my middle school years. I would really appreciate it if you can tell me how challenging you think it was to get in to this program. Thanks

Hey there! So I attended MMSS and from what I understand it has about an 30-40% acceptance rate. As long as you spend a decent amount of time on your application and have some good grades (I’d say over a 3.75 GPA and some good extracurriculars), you have a great shot of making it in. If it’s affordable for your family, I absolutely recommend it! Let me know if you have any other questions, I’d love to answer them!

Hi! I know that this is super late but I wanted to ask a couple of questions about MMSS

  1. Is it impressive on college applications?
  2. I have a tournament in which I can win a prize of $10k, but the dates coincide with MMSS, do you recommend attending it? Or playing the tournament? Thank you!
  1. It shows commitment, but i would say it’s comparable to being a member of a school club!

  2. i would say attend the possibility of getting a 10k prize one. MMSS is really fun but it’s not very rigorous for the most part, whereas the competition you’re speaking of is likely to showcase your talents more. :slight_smile:

let me know if you have any more questions!

Could you please elaborate on what you mean in the second point? I thought that MMSS is a rigorous course with PHD profs?

Just wanted to see if anyone has experience from last summer? My older daughter was supposed to go in Summer of 2020 but they moved it online and the experience asynchronous so it was different than what we had originally envisioned. My younger son will probably apply and we are hoping that he’ll have an enriching experience. He has straight As so far so hopefully he’ll get in.

I attended it this year! Brilliant! Highly recommend attending.

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If you’re applying, definitely choose Graph Theory. The other courses aren’t as good as Graph Theory but Graph theory is 100% worth it. professor shaw is probably the best teacher I’ve ever had (or ever will have)

Hey! I’m a sophomore from Pakistan and just got accepted into the MMSS program for Graph Theory. I dont know if im getting financial aid yet (btw do u think its purely need-based, as in do they give it to those who need it more or those they think are more qualified), I’ll get to know in April. I want to know how many students I should expect at the program (and how many in graph theory) and whether it is truly worth going to the US for. How much would it impact my college application in the future? And what other benefits can i get through attending MMSS? How rigorous is the graph theory course? and what knowledge should i have before i go on to attend it? what exactly does it teach you and what does a class on graph theory look like?

Hey! Sorry for replying late, the graph theory course is quite rigorous and helped me achieve quite a lot of stuff. For example, after attending MMSS - I was selected to another summer program that was quite intensive. MMSS definitely helps and Dr. Shaw is a brilliant teacher! You don’t need any prerequisite knowledge - maybe some basic algebra might help you. A class on graph theory is quite unique in the sense that you get to work on unsolved problems and learn novel fields such as combinatorial game theory - nim’s game etc.