<p>How many kids from Michigan apply / are accepted to Stanford every year? I don't think there are any published statistics, but maybe some current students have some data based on the admitted students Facebook groups? Thanks!</p>
<p>Sorry, this posted twice. </p>
<p>I would guess at least 20-30. I haven’t met that many though.</p>
<p>I would say more than 20-30—from my school alone this year there’s 6-7, and I go to a very small school (~50 person class). But I wouldn’t think anymore than 100/year. </p>
<p>6-7 people accepted? Or applying?</p>
<p>@jonthom99 Applying. Accepted would be crazy. </p>
<p>Haha that’s what I thought, but you never know! There’s 2 REA from my school, and probably at least 4-5 more RD out of around 200 kids in the class. But none of us will probably end up getting in anyways. Yay 5% acceptance rate! /s</p>
<p>theres about five that I know applying REA at my school, possibly more from some quiet people. I assume at least 20 something will be applying normally. (we have a class size of around 150, yet are very competitive and highly ranked, if that makes a difference). One thing I’ve heard from a few people is that the distance makes them shy away from stanford, vs some of the closer ivies. Is this true at your schools?</p>
<p>I know 3 from my grade, one went to the same middle school as me too. I’d estimate 30 -50 + who matriculated.<br>
Large percentage of students are from CA, at least 30-40% so take that into consideration. </p>