Michigan State Lyman Briggs

Does anyone know how good Michigan state’s Lyman Briggs program is? I wish to become an Orthopedic surgeon?

I got into Lyman Briggs and I have heard that the program is worthwhile. Especially if you are much higher than the average MSU applicant. I don’t know anyone that is currently enrolled in the LBC, but if I did, I have a plethora of questions.

I am a Sophomore in Lyman Briggs and I highly recommend it! Most students entering Briggs are pre-med, and if you are pre-med and considering Lyman Briggs, be sure to check out MSUCOM’s OMSP program! If you have specific questions I can try to answer them!

As for the question of how good is the Lyman Briggs program… that’s a tough question to answer, depending on what exactly you mean. If you are talking about from the standpoint of medical school admissions, they will consider you as an MSU student and won’t look at you different just because you are in Lyman Briggs. However, the most popular Briggs major for pre med students tends to be Human Biology (although I heard they are changing this major and requirements). This major tends to prepare students well for med school as it is rather intense with the upper level biology classes. Briggs is also a great place to be if you are pre med as there are clubs that you can join within Briggs that help you get volunteer opportunities and meet other pre med students.

Briggs is also just a great place to go if you really like science and your science classes, since you get to meet lots of really awesome people who also understand the random chemistry joke that your professor posted on facebook (because of course you’re friends with your professor on facebook, or you are also a part of the MSU meme’s page that he runs)

Hi, I had some questions about OMSP. So I am going to be a freshman in Lyman Briggs this fall, and I am pre-med, but I didn’t have a high enough act score to apply for omsp. Do you know if it’s possible to reapply once I’m a student during freshman year?

Yup you can apply to omsp freshmab year