Michigan State v. UA

Thanks so much for taking the time to give us a good comparison! My NMSF d’s top three college choices are MSU, University of Pittsburgh, and UA in that order. We pretty much came to the same conclusion on various aspects and comparisons of UA and MSU.

Pros and cons for us-

Pros of UA:
Beautiful campus
People seemed very friendly when we visited
Nice weather
Great honors dorms
“Fellowship” Honors program- I don’t remember the exact name- offering more opportunity for engagement with UA & community
Seems like a really fun campus
Good scholarship for NMFs
Fantastic Study abroad opportunities since OOS NMF can get their tuition converted to pay for a large portion of study abroad; because their study abroad programs are reasonably priced and a few tour European countries during downtime (what d is interested in seeing); and because the NMF scholarships give a 5th year of tuition which can be used for summer study abroad.
Committee letters are a huge plus for pre-med since my d is very independent (never asks teachers for help) and not very political (establishing connections).
UA has a class for applying to med schools where they help prepare for MCAT and make sure the students know all the steps involved in applying.
I liked the surrounding community at Tuscaloosa better than Lansing; however d might like East Lansing better
UA academics seem good and seem to prepare pre-med students and help them get into med school
Although MSU is ranked higher by US News, I don’t think there is really much difference in quality of the education
Many OOS students makes it easier for OOS students to feel more at home at UA
Football- great school spirit

Greek life is strong. D is OOS minority (half Asian) and might have difficulty getting into sorority. Also, she is a northerner and does have a more straight forward approach to people than what I have observed in the south. Another Asian poster on CC- a UA senior commented that she felt left out and felt she did not belong; she was not in a sorority.
So, even though my d may pass on sorority at another college, she thinks it is essential to be part of Greek life if she were to attend UA. Also of note is the higher sorority cost at UA- approx $6,600/ yr for dues vs. approx $3,000 for mid-west school. Greek life at UA seems like it offers a lot to the students but also requires more time commitment than MSU Grekk life might require. While d wants to belong to a sorority, perhaps the commitment level at MSU would better mesh with her career goals and with being part of a Varsity College Dance Team.
We are looking at dance opportunities and UA dance team has a somewhat different style of dance and does not seem to do that well at UDA National Competition. I have heard some unusual things about the coach… don’t know if they are true.
Location: 10 hr drive from where we live. Added expense of flying d home for Thanksgiving and driving long distance for winter break. Not being able to see her very often during the school year.
Diversity at UA is different; although there are many OOS students, not many Asians or International.
Sightings of ANY Confederate flags- especially if it is on campus; guaranteed to make any minority feel not welcome

Pros of MSU-
Beautiful campus- my d prefers MSU (but I like UA better- guess its not important what I like…)
Weather- d does not mind the cold weather
Lyman Briggs Residential college- which offers small introductory classes to math and science majors
Opportunity to become part of a community with the other Lyman Briggs students and will be able to interact more closely with professors. She will also be able to live on the honors floor of the Lyman Briggs residential hall. Being a member of Lymann Briggs is like having the advantages of going to a small college while also having all the opportunities of a larger research university.
D is accepted into the honors program. We really like Dr. German and she seemed to have a very good understanding of gifted students. MSU honors program is the oldest in the nation; I like their approach to honors programming. Honors students are given priority registration.
Honors students are given flexibility in choosing classes to fulfill basic educational requirements.
D has been offered a Professorial Research Assistantship- a paid research position starting her freshman year.
Diversity- a larger Asian community would likely make d feel more at home at MSU. Also- she likes learning about other cultures and will likely enjoy the larger international community at MSU.
Greek life is not as prevalent and even if d does not go Greek, she will still feel very much a part of the MSU community. Sorority dues less expensive (about half that of UA).
Dance Team would be a better fit style-wise. Also- talked to coach and like her approach.
Football- great school spirit
Basketball- great school spirit
Location- only 4 hours from home and a very easy drive (no mountains to drive through).
I think MSU and the surrounding community is more liberal politically than UA and its surrounding community
Very highly regarded Research University. I think a saw a report they had the highest number of Goldwater Scholars last year.

Cons of MSU-
Dorm rooms not as nice as the UA honors dorms
I have not heard of committee letters at MSU for pre-med students
I did not not hear about any class to help prepare pre-med students apply to med school (like what they have at UA)
The campus is very large geographically and it is a long walk to some parts of the university- especially in the cold weather. (Of note is the Lyman Briggs classes are held in the same building as their dorms and we were told they try to cluster classes together for certain majors.)
People constantly compare MSU to U of M and fail to see the larger picture that MSU is highly ranked by both US News and internationally, and for being a large research university.I think what I am trying to say is that their reputation is actually higher than how it might be perceived due to the constant comparison to U of M. Ironically, MSU is ranked 75th by US News and is tied with our state’s flagship (IU)- but you don’t really hear people comparing IU to U of M very often.

I have an idea: let the outcome of tonight’s Cotton Bowl decide your fate!

If Alabama wins, go to Bama.

If MSU wins, hold your nose and go to

Haha just kidding!

Ha ha…not kidding. Roll Tide!

@momofsmartdancer if your DD wants to pledge, I highly doubt that she’d have any trouble.

If she decides not to pledge, but involves herself in something else, she’ll fit in. I strongly advise OOS students who aren’t going to pledge to participate in Alabama Action, Black Belt Action or Outdoor Action to help make friends before school starts.

What is her major?

What are the cost differences? I thought Bama had the better scholarship for NMFs. What is the MSU award?

My son was premed at Bama, so if you have any questions, I might be able to answer them. He’s now a third year med student.

Based on the Cotton Bowl, looks like Bama!

@ Nerdyparent

Haha… My husband made a joke about it also. We are Ohio State grads. I think perhaps OSU should have gone to that game instead. From an objective point of view, I would have to say Bama still would have won.

Congrats to Bama. Job well done!

As a Big 10 grad myself . . . yikes on the game last night! Though I will also add Roll Tide!

Thanks for posting the info on Alabama Action, Black Belt Action or Outdoor Action. It is great that UA has so many activities and programs for students. However, it can be somewhat overwhelming to figure out which ones serve which purpose. I think one of the ones you mentioned plus the fellowship honors program would have been ideal for d. She became interested in Genome research (mapping DNA and working on cancer research) after visiting a smaller LAC and wants to major in something related to genetics in the Biology field. She has not ruled out the possibility of pursuing MD/ PHD. She also likes her AP Psych class and might pursue something in neuroscience. Basically, anything other than going into the family physician direction; I don’t think her personality and interests would be suited to that specialty.

Re: cost difference
We were really excited to get a letter last week from Michigan State offering her the University Distinguished Scholarship. They award approx 5 of these each year to their incoming class of 8,000+ freshman students. This is full-ride + $1000/ yr stipend + $3000/ yr paid research assistantship (guaranteed for first two yrs). If she makes Varsity Dance Team, she will be a division I athlete; some universities offer free spiritwear and a book scholarship at this level. If she were to be awarded the NMS scholarship for $2500, she would be able to keep that for other expenses.

With this additional offer, she is ready to Commit. Go Green! (and please do better next time in football championship game…). Although we really liked the UA campus tour, I think MSU would probably be a better fit for her overall. And, it is great that she got a full ride scholarship to a school that is such a good fit!

Congratulations on that scholarship @momofsmartdancer ! It’s nice when the universe gives us a little “nudge” in the direction we’re meant to go. Wishing her all the best!

Congratulations on the scholarship. Someone mentioned transportation to UA. For MSU one can fly into Lansing, but that is not always the best airline price. There is a bus called the Michigan Flyer that runs between East Lansing and Detroit airport, with stops in Ann Arbor. Round trip is about $50.


That is a very good price for round trip. Good chance she will make use of that during her freshman year since students are not allowed to brings cars with them the first year. I had already checked the cost of flights into Lansing and pretty much ruled that out a being ridiculous high price. I will be keeping track of the Detroit flights instead.

Thanks for the info!!

Glad this helped and congratulations to your D. This is the website - ( I’m not affiliated with it :slight_smile: )


Congrats to your daughter, @momofsmartdancer. Hard to beat that offer!

@momofsmartdancer Congrats to your daughter! Best of Luck!!

@Pennylane2011 THANK You for the info on Michigan Flyer. I just changed my tickets from flying into East Lansing to flying to Detroit and taking this bus. I thought I needed to rent a car, so the car rental was going to be the differential cost to the end airport - but not anymore!! I just booked it yesterday.

Glad that worked well for you!


Thanks! Although my d did work very hard in high school, I would add that were it not for this board and parents like you who share info, we probably would not have has as good of a result in the college search and application process.
Parents and other students who post on this board gave us the heads up that MSU gave good scholarships to NMFs (albeit competitive scholarships) and we learned much about the culture and surrounding area of MSU on this board.

So, I will have to say thanks to you and all the parents who contribute info to help others on cc!!! Finding the right fit college and the financial aid to make that possible makes a huge difference in these kids lives.