Michigan vs UNC vs Williams and Mary

Son has been accepted to these three amazing colleges and he is in state to both UNC and W&M. He is interested in pursuing double major in Statistics and computer science, and he wants to move to California after college. Michigan clearly has more name recognition among these three but is also the most expensive one (OOS tuition). He likes both Michigan and UNC but leaning towards Michigan. As a parent, I think William and Mary would probably be a better choice because of its smaller size, focus on undergraduate teaching and Ivy League feel ( don’t get me wrong, I went to Michigan myself). I think we can afford to send him to Michigan if that is where he really wants to go but wife thinks it is it really not worth the money when we have two other excellent instate options. My question is : since son wants to move to the Bay Area after college , would attending UNC or W&M with a statistics/computer science double major limit his chances finding a job in Silicon Valley comparing to attending Michigan? Thanks!