Mid 50 SAT and ACT percentile ranges for UA

<p>My son is considering attending UA in Fall of 2015. I have been unable to find mid-50 percentile ranges for standardized test scores and/or GPA, which I see for most other colleges. Anyone happen to have them or can point me to them? Thanks in advance. </p>

<p>Are you concerned that he won’t be admitted? </p>

<p>The upper quartile is ACT 31-36…a very smart bunch.</p>

<p>The middle quartile is ACT 22 - 30 (broad, I know).</p>

<p>The upper 30% have an ACT of 30+</p>

<p>The upper 65% have an ACT 24+</p>

<p>If your concern is that he won’t be around enough other “smart kids,” much will depend on his major. If he chooses an academic major, especially a STEM major, his classmates will mostly be high level kids. If he takes a less-academic major, maybe something talent-related like theater or illustration, then his classmates talents may be more “right-brained” where being an ACT 32 isn’t necessary. lol</p>

<p>I see that your son has an ACT 29. That qualifies him for the half tuition scholarship if his GPA is 3.5+</p>

<p>Looks like your son is in the upper 1/3 of the school.</p>

<p>If he tests again and gets a 30, then he’ll get 2/3 tuition award.</p>

<p>has he taken the SAT as well? Some do better on that. You only have to study/focus on the M+CR…the W score isn’t used by most schools for admittance nor merit. Don’t waste time studying that.</p>

<p>What state are you in? I see that you are looking for merit from FSU…not likely much, if anything there. PSU won’t give anything unless admitted to SHC…and those awards are small.</p>

<p>Just looking for information at this point.
I am not concerned about him not being around enough smart people. I grew up dirt poor in WV and graduated from WVU. I have managed to better myself with that education and now have the ability to let him attend a “higher rated” school if he so chooses, but I am not pushing him anywhere…just getting as much information as possible.
We currently live in PA. He does have a 3.5+ GPA. I doubt he takes the ACT again, he hasn’t studied for it or taken any review courses to this point and doesn’t appear to have any interest in doing so. He has a 33 in math, but hasn’t faired well on the reading portion. Has done slightly better on ACT than SAT.
Says he is applying to UGA, Alabama, Penn State, Ohio State and Indiana. I have been able to find quite a bit on all of the entrance statistics of the other schools, but not UA. I believe ha plans on majoring in a business field. Thought this would be a good place to ask.
Still early, but my concerns are in the areas of available interships and job placement.
Appreciate the info. </p>

<p>Well, if he applies before the scholarship deadline, he’ll get the 1/2 tuition award…that is worth about $12k per year…so very nice.</p>

<p>That $12k savings would easily pay for a nice summer abroad…such as Alabama at Oxford…or some other many other offerings.</p>

<p>Plus, he would qualify for the Honors College. </p>

<p>You can see this information for most schools by googling “Common Data Set” and the school’s name. Look in section C9. Below is the information for The University of Alabama:</p>

<p><a href=“http://oira.ua.edu/d/content/reports/2013-2014-common-data-set”>http://oira.ua.edu/d/content/reports/2013-2014-common-data-set&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you both for the additional info. </p>

<p>With UA a very popular school right now, expect this range to continue to narrow as time goes by. I don’t think the campus can absorb too many more students than its current total enrollment. </p>