Mid-Year Grades

<p>Just wondering if adcoms actually wait for all semester grades to arrive before making a decision for every single applicant?</p>

<p>They have until March, why wouldn’t they wait?</p>

<p>We don’t finalize any decision until we review the mid-year grades.</p>

<p>Why does “adcom” sound like a robot to me? </p>

<p>Thank You! I was just wondering if midterm grades would significantly affect the admission decision if I got a low grade in one of the subjects (which is a quite challenging one actually) but did decent to wonderful otherwise on all other subjects. </p>

<p>I think it would put you at a disadvantage compared to all of the students whose graded did not slip. Good luck.</p>

<p>aw man. it was such a tough course. no one got higher than a B in the class. That is what i don’t like about admissions. oh well. will hope for the best :D</p>