Mid-Year Report Trouble

<p>Here's the deal; I'm doing terrible in Calculus BC right now. Our school operates on a quarter system with the first two quarters being one semester - the first quarter I got an A in BC Calculus and was super-happy. Now, with only one day left in the second quarter (not counting midterms), I have a B- in Calculus. We still have a few things left in the quarter, and I calculated that if things go excellent for those things I can end up with a B, and if I get a 100 on everything then a B+, which would then change depending on the mid-term as well. The first and second quarters will be averaged together and sent to colleges as the grade on the mid-year report (all my other classes I have A's/A+'s in). </p>

<p>My question basically is I guess: what should I do? Simply spend the next week 24/7 studying for Calculus to get a 100% on everything? Ask for EC? Does it even matter? I'm really panicky right now because I have never gotten such a low quarter grade in my life before.</p>

<p>definitely ask for extra credit, i think you’ll be fine though (it is just a B)</p>