Middle Eastern Studies and...Economics or Politics?

<p>Sooo...questions. I'm a sophomore. I've already started a Middle Eastern Studies major at NYU (and I'm on track to complete the Advanced Arabic sequence by the end of my senior year), and I want to double major. I've...sort of...already decided on Economics and I'm registered for both Principles classes next semester. I'm sort of indecisive because I also am interested in Politics, but because I switched majors this year (from BFA Drama), I have a very limited amount of credits especially because I want to double major. I'm OK at math, but I only went up to Pre-Calc in high school and for the Econ major at NYU one must take Calculus (for the Intermediate courses) and Statistics, which I'm sort of nervous about. I also want to possibly go into the Peace Corps for two years after undergrad to get some work experience before heading to graduate school in MPA or maybe a dual degree MA/MBA or MPA/MBA. I know that I want to work in international business (marketing maybe?) or international relations in some capacity that will also allow me to adequately support myself financially, though I'm not sure what my final, final goal is obviously. So I know I just typed out a lot of jumbled stuff, but my ultimate questions are:</p>

<p>1) Which discipline, Politics or Economics, would help me more towards my goals? Some of the programs for graduate school require me to have taken at least introductory micro and macro courses, and it would be beneficial for others for me to have completed calculus.</p>

<p>2) I'm very interested in going into the Peace Corps after I complete undergrad, but I've heard mixed reviews. Is the Peace Corps a good option considering that I'm going for a dual degree MA/MBA, or would it be better for me to get a full-time job in some business capacity after I graduate? Is the Peace Corps considered "work experience?"</p>

<p>3) I plan on taking both the GRE and the GMAT. Would a combination Middle Eastern Studies/Economics or Middle Eastern Studies/Politics major better prepare me for both of these tests? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>I can’t say much on the topic, so my reply is mostly just bumping this topic for you. However, I think economics might be more useful. The way I see it, ME Studies touches on politics enough that, if you took it in combination with politics, you’d be stronger in one area without much knowledge in economics. Judging by your goals, economics seems to fit in there.</p>

<p>I would say you really should take calculus, statistics, and an intro course in micro and macro economics, especially if you want an MBA or MPA. However, only after taking those courses will you know if economics really interests you enough to get a full out major. My personal advice to you is not to aim for an econ major. Just go for a minor. That will give you a lot more flexibility during college and you will have some electives to take Polysci courses that interest you. </p>

<p>I know nothing about the Peace Corps, but if that’s what you want to do, do it. You can always get a “real” job after that for a few years before going on to an MBA.</p>